Dark Memory – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 141492 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 707(@200wpm)___ 566(@250wpm)___ 472(@300wpm)

She groaned. “Don’t call him brilliant.”

Another round of laughter was interspersed with more lyrics, mostly to tease Safia, some wondering if he would be a legendary lover to match his warrior skills.

She loved them all so much.

Thank you, Petru, for promising me you won’t take me away from my family. I love them so much.

There was a small part of her that was still a little afraid he might insist she leave her home with him. So many husbands wanted their wives to go to their land and embrace their customs. Zdan was the only man she knew who had come to their family willingly and stayed.

There was no hesitation in Petru’s mind. When he came to her, pouring into her mind, she felt that same confidence, the same conviction and self-assurance that set him apart.

The things important to you are the things important to me, Safia. You wish to stay here, so we stay. I will learn to fit in.

Not only did she hear the truth in his declaration, but she felt it. He meant what he said, and she hugged the knowledge to herself. Maybe you should have a song after all.

She heard his male amusement in his mind. Many songs have been sung around fires telling of my battles with the undead.

Safia tried to detect bragging, but he was stating fact. Well, you certainly don’t need any more songs to add to your ego. She liked that she could make him feel a sense of humor when he didn’t think he had one.

Do I have an ego?

Male amusement definitely increased. She was getting the hang of this relationship thing just from watching her brothers and sisters and their marriages and the advice she’d been given so far. Her parents and grandparents had set a high standard as well.

It’s hidden, but I’m certain you do. I’ve been studying you. You have that kind of edge to you, the one that says everyone will obey you in all things.

There was a brief pause while he conveyed deliberate puzzlement. Shouldn’t they?

Safia burst out laughing. She couldn’t help it. Color swept up her neck and into her face when the song the others were singing came to an abrupt halt.

“It’s the song. Stop with the legendary lyrics. No more of that,” she hastily improvised.



I knew it was going to happen,” Safia declared. “We aren’t even officially married, and you already think you can tell me what I can and can’t do.”

Petru found himself looking down at his lifemate’s upturned face. Her winged brows were drawn together with what he considered the most adorable little frown in the world. He struggled not to smile and to keep amusement out of his mind. That would deepen that frown. The more he was with her, the more he understood what happiness meant. Happiness was a woman.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. We are officially married. Te avio päläfertiilam.” Deliberately, he used the Carpathian language to remind her she was his lifemate. His wedded spouse. He put the slightest touch of arrogance in his voice just to get her reaction. Safia was always unpredictable.

Her eyes changed color from jade, deepening to more of an emerald. Petru loved when that happened, when her eyes suddenly gave away her mood. She was such a miracle to him. He noticed the smallest detail about her. He caught a glimpse of her enticing dimple and had to resist the urge to taste her soft skin. The intriguing indentation was far too close to the full curve of her lower lip, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist biting that tempting bow. The moment he did, he would be kissing her. Once he was kissing her, it would be impossible to stop.

“You aren’t getting away with suddenly becoming a tyrant by distracting me with sex. I know better. There’s no follow-through since you gave your word to my grandfather and father, not to your supposed wife. I say there is no marriage without consummation. Therefore, no dictator telling said spouse what to do.” She raised her eyebrow in challenge.

He supposed there was some merit to what she had to say. They hadn’t consummated the marriage. He had given his word to Amastan and Gwafa, and he couldn’t go back on it. That was a matter of honor. He was certain, as much as she acted annoyed with him, she wouldn’t respect him if he did.

“You are my lifemate,” he reiterated. “There is no getting around that, even if there is a very small part of me that might be a tiny bit tyrannical.”

She leaned back against his arm, tilting her chin in challenge. “Small? Tiny bit? I think your true colors are glaring. You couldn’t even wait until after the ceremony today. I knew this was going to happen. It’s because you were secretly listening to the women singing your praises and you got a big head. That’s what happened. You know all those stories you heard about me retaliating when my brothers tried to boss me around?”


