Dark Song – Dark Carpathians Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 165649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 828(@200wpm)___ 663(@250wpm)___ 552(@300wpm)

He’s paying attention to our conversation, isn’t he? Julija asked.

Reluctantly, afraid she was doing something wrong, Elisabeta nodded her head. I do not feel comfortable without him. I am afraid.

You do not have to apologize to anyone for the way you are, minan piŋe sarnanak. Ferro sounded fierce. There is nothing wrong with needing your lifemate to get you through these first risings.

This time, Elisabeta knew Julija could hear him and that had been deliberate. It was also a threat. I fear my need of you being with me will be far longer than just these first risings, Ferro.

She wanted Julija to know it wasn’t Ferro at fault. His staying in her mind even when he was present in the room with her was all on her. He wasn’t monitoring her to know what was said between them. She was terrified that if he wasn’t sharing her mind, Sergey would find his way inside her again.

Piŋe sarnanak. His voice softened, was so gentle it turned her heart over. As long as you have need of me, I have the need and privilege to protect you.

Elisabeta looked up at him. Ferro seemed to be paying attention to Tariq and the others as they discussed the possibility of Sergey having another spy in the compound, but she knew his focus was on her. She felt him surrounding her with his strength, and that gave her the courage to sit up straighter. She dared to take a look around the room that she hoped to call her home one day.

The first sneak peek was dizzying, and she hastily closed her eyes and pressed back against Ferro’s broad chest. He felt like a rock, steady and immovable, something she could count on when she felt the smallest breeze could knock her over.

Julija chose to ignore Ferro’s interruption. What does he call you? Piŋe sarnanak? What does that mean? Or minan piŋe sarnanak?

Elisabeta wasn’t sure she wanted to share that private name. “My little songbird” felt intimate to her. Theirs alone. She knew any Carpathian who heard him call her that would know what it meant, and Julija was her friend, but that name represented far more to Elisabeta than she’d realized. No one had ever been kind to her, or made her feel special. No matter how she acted, terrified or not, Ferro accepted her.

It is a sweet name he calls me sometimes, she managed. I am very fond of it.

I do know the Carpathian language, but that is very ancient, isn’t it?

Elisabeta nodded. What is the healer saying about the vampire now? She wanted to change the subject until she understood her emotions better.

The rising had already been too overwhelming for her and she didn’t want to add anything else to it that she didn’t have to try to cope with if she didn’t have to. Both women immediately turned their attention to the conversation between the healer, Tariq and the others.

“We have no option but to once again examine those in the compound who have been near the healing grounds,” Maksim said, sounding weary.

Tariq sighed. “The children have been put to the test repeatedly. I am not certain how much more they can take. Certainly Charlotte will be very distressed by the idea of having to examine them again, but we cannot risk everyone here.”

Sívamet, there is another answer, one that will be difficult for you to put to the test, but these are children who you saw the vampire torturing. Do you remember?

Yes. How could she forget? Julija had allowed herself to be taken prisoner in the hopes of rescuing her. There were children down in the tunnels, and they were used cruelly by Sergey and his brother. Elisabeta had been in a tiny cage, hidden in the room, unable to do anything but watch the horror unfolding before her eyes.

You would have to be very brave and trust me. I know it would be difficult for you, but if I am right, it would spare these children more pain and Tariq would not have to tell his lifemate he has no choice but to once more subject their children to examination.

Aloud, Ferro interrupted the discussion. “Before you call the meeting, Tariq, and put the plan into action, I have one more idea, but I need my lifemate’s permission. I am discussing it with her now. It will be very frightening for her and she will have to be extremely brave to cooperate, but if I am right, we can spare the children this examination.”

Tariq had begun to rise but at Ferro’s statement he dropped into the chair and nodded, steepled his fingers and waited. He glanced at Maksim and then Gary. Both men shook their heads. Neither had any idea of what Ferro might be thinking.

Tell me what you would have me do. Already Elisabeta was trembling. She despised herself for being such a coward when she caught so many glimpses of him acting with such courage, facing master vampires and defeating them in terrible battles.


