Dark Song – Dark Carpathians Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 165649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 828(@200wpm)___ 663(@250wpm)___ 552(@300wpm)

“Yes, Donald and Mary Walton. They live in the converted boathouse next to the lake. They’re the sweetest couple and they never fight. The last few nights they’ve barely spoken to one another and Mary’s been crying a lot. It just seems like everyone is going a little nutty. I talked to Dragomir about it and we both thought maybe it was from everyone being cooped up for so long. No one has been able to leave the compound in a while.”

Elisabeta couldn’t help but feel guilt. Maybe, had she not been there, the occupants wouldn’t be so trapped.

Emeline gave a sigh. “I feel so bad that everyone’s been here since the children and I were rescued. Vadim found a way to impregnate me, and if it wasn’t for Dragomir, I would be dead and so would our daughter. Dragomir was able to change her blood and make her his.” Her eyes met Elisabeta’s. “I was one of his experiments.”

Elisabeta had often been down in the labyrinth of tunnels the vampires had taken over beneath the city and seen the horrors visited upon women and children. She’d been helpless to do anything but watch. So many times she’d been taken to places of torture and no one had ever known she was there other than Sergey. If it hadn’t been for Julija, no one would have even known she existed. Even when the hunters came and the vampires fled, Sergey would have been able to come back and retrieve her, but Julija had managed to allow Elisabeta to be seen, and the Carpathians had taken her with them back to the compound.

It had never occurred to her that Emeline might feel as responsible as she did for the others occupying the compound feeling so trapped. “Your daughter is beautiful, Emeline,” Elisabeta said. “You and Dragomir have a gift beyond any price.” There was suddenly longing in her heart for what she thought could never be. She had so much already and she would be forever happy and grateful that the universe had given her Ferro.

Emeline’s face lit up. “Thank you, Elisabeta. I worried so much that Carisma wouldn’t be accepted, but Dragomir was positive that she would be loved by the Carpathian people, and she has been. We use this house sometimes, but we have our own now, very close to the one your lifemate has for you. The property borders the woods like yours does. Dragomir wants to fill our home with children. He even gave me my own golden dragon with gorgeous emerald eyes right in the middle of our courtyard because he knows I love the stone dragons the triplets made for the children here. He constructed a beautiful little lavender one for Carisma for when she gets a little older. He’s so thoughtful.”

“I do not know about the stone dragons you speak of.”

Instantly Ferro sent her an image of stone dragons in various colors: red, blue, orange, green and brown. Lojos, Matias and Tomas made these dragons for the children. They come to life for them, whispering to them and flying them when they want to play. They are protective of the children. Dragomir has made one for Emeline and Carisma. Liv has asked Valentin to make one for Genevieve. He is considering doing so.

The instant Ferro flooded her mind with the information, Elisabeta felt safe and warm. She hadn’t realized, even with him merged with her, staying somewhere in the background while he worked with the healer examining the others in the compound, that she was uneasy without him. Not just uneasy, bordering on panic. Her heart pounded, although she automatically kept the sound from being heard. She’d learned to do that always, keeping her breathing and pulse from Sergey when she was especially agitated. She’d actually dug her fingernails into her forearm, deep, to concentrate on the bite of pain in order to keep her mind from panicking.

Emeline explained about the dragons and how the triplets had made them for the children to keep them from being afraid when they were fleeing the vampires. “The dragons represent freedom to them and also the friendship of the Carpathians when the hunters can seem so frightening at times.”

“I can understand that,” Elisabeta agreed. She rubbed at her eyes. The lighting in the room was dim. Ferro had made it clear to the women that she couldn’t be exposed to too much light or space, but in spite of the room being smaller than the one in their home, she still felt sick if she looked too long at one thing.

She wanted to succeed in her friendship with these women. She was very adept at reading others; she’d learned to be. Sergey would bring her with him and secret her from his brothers. He would want her to tell him every detail of the meetings they held, what was said and what she thought their real intentions were. Reading others, their minds, their expressions and body language, even when their flesh was rotting, allowed her to keep her own brain functioning. These women were good and genuinely wanted to become her friends and help her integrate into her new life.


