Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Slow down, my lady, Afanasiv advised. I want to see what is taking place inside before you go in. This place feels wrong to me. It is heavy with darkness.

Dimitri added his opinion as well. It feels oily to me, mage oily. He’s here somewhere.

Not Xavier, Afanasiv said. Vasilisa sealed him in the underworld. He cannot escape. Even should he try to send slivers of himself, they would not get through. This is someone else.

Petru joined the conversation. Perhaps his brother Xaviero, or Barnabas. He is far worse than his father or uncles.

I have had no dealings with Barnabas, although I have heard of him. Word was sent to our prince, Mikhail, Dimitri acknowledged.

Afanasiv was at the actual farmhouse, moving with the slight breeze he had created with his brethren. The structure was made of logs that fit snugly into one another. The verandah was long and narrow, with a sloped roof matching the one above it so the snow could slide off easily. He didn’t make the mistake of expending energy, not if a high mage was close. He cautioned the others to be very careful, as well. He moved in close, though, allowing his senses to flare out as he scanned the interior of the large home.

Although there were few vehicles to give away the fact that several people were inside, in one room, six people sat in a row of chairs facing a group of nine others. All were adults. He recognized Lada standing alone between the nine and the six. It felt as if she were in a courtroom being judged.

He had not taken blood from Lada, nor had he given her blood, so there was no bond between them. Vasilisa, did you give blood to Lada? He was extremely cautious now, ensuring that when he reached out to his lifemate, there was no spilling of energy that could be picked up by the mage he was certain was in the farmhouse.

There was nothing to show that a mage of great power was present, but the impression was there. It was nothing more than the feel of darkness—of gloom—hanging over the farmhouse. The weave of dark magic, an ugly pall he felt when he approached the eastern section of the royals’ territory.

Yes, several times, Vasilisa answered.

Is it possible for you to touch her mind without her being aware? Without any other being aware, even if someone else occupies her mind?

It would be a daring thing to do, even for an ancient. Afanasiv felt the immediate rejection of his plan by his brethren, all but Dimitri. Dimitri’s lifemate traveled with Vasilisa. If the mage had spies anywhere close to the farmhouse, they would have spotted the two women by now and reported to their master. Skyler couldn’t just disappear without a reason. Afanasiv intended to enter the farmhouse with Vasilisa through Lada. They would be able to ascertain what was going on and how safe it would be to continue with their plan.

Vasilisa didn’t answer right away. She thought it over carefully. I have never entered another’s mind when it is occupied by an enemy, my lord, but I am willing to try.

This mage is extremely powerful, sívamet. I would not want you to have to go up against him without any preparation. Afanasiv was careful in how he worded what he said. He didn’t want in any way to diminish her in front of the others or to make her feel as if he thought she couldn’t do it.

I have a delicate touch and have never been detected. I will try if you think it is necessary.

She wasn’t bragging. Vasilisa didn’t seem to have an ego when it came to being a warrior. If she said she had a delicate touch, she did.

His brethren gave a collective protest, although it was faint, ensuring that no energy was spilling out where the mage, if he was in the farmhouse, would feel any disruption in the air.

I will be with you, Vasilisa. Do not allow Lada to feel you. No matter what is taking place in that house, you cannot reach out to her or aid her in any way. Is that clear? Afanasiv used his compelling voice. A commanding one. Ordinarily, he would never use his gift on his lifemate in front of others, but her life could very well be at stake.

She didn’t answer him right away, and his heart dropped. He would call the entire operation off before he would allow her anywhere near the people inside the farmhouse if she refused to follow his lead on this.

Very clear, lifemate.

Was that sarcasm? No one, not even a master vampire, was resistant to his voice when he compelled obedience. He merged with Vasilisa and settled quietly, waiting for her to seek out Lada. She and Skyler delayed approaching the farmhouse by stopping to examine several bushes that looked to be very unhealthy. That would be something expected of a royal. The care of the forest and all surrounding property was in their hands.


