Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

Baird’s eye twitched, or it could have been the parasites that had begun to crawl over his face. Several had made it to his eyebrow, and two had gotten caught in the sunken sockets. He halted his forward momentum, suddenly suspicious. Something struck him hard in the back. He choked, trying to shape-shift. The fist drove through skin, bones and muscles, tearing everything in its path to reach his heart.

“No, no, no.” Where were his servants? Why had he taken such a foolish chance? He was so weak, and the blood he needed was only a few steps away from him. Snarling, he drew back his lips to reveal his teeth, his every intention to fly at Benedek and take what he needed by force.

Benedek began healing the terrible wounds in his neck and chest, all the while watching him with that same impassive, merciless look on his face. If Benedek was in front of him, who had impaled him? Who had wrapped their fingers around his heart and relentlessly dragged it from his body?

Baird shrieked and wailed as he spun around, spewing the poisonous vapor every which way in the hope of getting a direct hit on the hunter behind him. Another ancient. He didn’t have time to remember his name; the bolt of lightning was leaving the clouds and slamming into the heart the large Carpathian had flung into the air. Baird tried to crawl away, but without his heart, nothing worked right. The flash was dazzling as the white-hot energy enveloped him, reducing him to ash.

Afanasiv kept his gaze fixed on the third master vampire making his break at the same time as the first two. He recognized him immediately, not from looks but from his movements, although he appeared slow and stiff. At one time, centuries earlier, Gazsi had been considered a legendary Carpathian hunter. He had been a good friend to Prince Vladimer. When the hunters were asked to leave the Carpathian Mountains, Gazsi had done so willingly, and he’d been an efficient destroyer of the undead.

Afanasiv heard the rumors that he had turned. A hunter such as Gazsi had many battles under his belt. He’d also exchanged blood with other hunters when he was wounded. The first thing he’d done was track those hunters through his blood bond and kill them. More than once, Afanasiv had run across his kills and had begun tracking him only to have to break off in order to save a village from a hoard of newly made starving vampires killing everyone in sight. Gazsi became famous for his sacrifices of villages and pawns.

Gazsi started out of the house but was far more careful than the other two master vampires. He wasn’t looking at the demons rushing the royals or the Lycans battling the lesser vampires. He stuck his head out the door and sniffed the air. Instead of stepping outside, he remained inside but stretched his neck as he stood cautiously, continuously testing the air. The entire time, his eyes moved restlessly over the battlefield, ensuring that every royal was occupied. It was clear he was uneasy. He extended one foot out the door, his hands grasping the doorjamb in preparation of launching himself skyward.

As Benedek revealed himself to Slayer of Hunters, Gazsi was back inside. Afanasiv knew the other ancients had sealed the windows and doors in an effort to force the army hidden inside the Trojan horse to exit out the back door.

You are certain the women are protected? Afanasiv said.

Gazsi had been a smart hunter. He hadn’t lost that intelligence when he chose to give up his soul. If anything, he had become even more cunning. He might feel the safeguards the ancients had woven around the women. If he did, was it possible he would be able to reverse them and use the women as hostages or for the blood he was starving for?

They are, Benedek assured him.

There was no arrogance in Benedek, but it was impossible not to believe him. He was that confident, even while battling Slayer of Hunters.

Even with the reassurance, Afanasiv drifted close to the house, ignoring Petru as he circled to the side of the structure to follow the progress of the one called Baird. Afanasiv’s prey was Gazsi, and he couldn’t take anything for granted when it came to the master vampire.

Afanasiv assessed the things Gazsi would need for his continual survival. He would be methodical about getting everything in place. He didn’t need to be outside fighting the royals or the Lycans. He didn’t have anything to prove to anyone. He didn’t care about anyone but himself. He would sacrifice anyone to stay alive. He would stay in the house as long as it took for him to feel it was safe enough to leave. In the meantime, he would see to his needs.


