Dark Whisper – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 158
Estimated words: 145341 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 727(@200wpm)___ 581(@250wpm)___ 484(@300wpm)

“Please tell them not to kill my brother. I know that may be difficult, but if at all possible . . .” Vasilisa pleaded.

I know the royal appears as if he is completely compromised, but he is under some kind of spell or manipulation. If possible, spare his life and take him prisoner so we can aid him.

We will do our best, Nicu answered.

“That is all anyone can promise, Vasilisa,” Siv said, nuzzling the top of her head. “When it comes to a battle, things tend to happen very fast.”

“I understand.”

“I have got to go.” He stood up with his lifemate in his arms, and he set her firmly on the floor of the little cabin. “I’ll get back as soon I can.”

“I’m going to stay connected to you for as long as possible.”

He shook his head. “Vasilisa, the underworld is no place for you. If you see your brothers being tortured or acting in a way that would be upsetting to you, you could easily give us away. You didn’t see everything that happened to me during my time in the underworld because you deliberately skipped over the worst of what they did to me. They will be doing those things to your brothers in an effort to break them completely. Lilith knows a part of your siblings is fighting against her control. She will punish them for that.”

She lifted her chin. “I’m stronger than you think. If my brothers have to suffer, as I’m certain they will, why should I be spared? If I can aid you in any way, even by my presence, I want to be able to do so.”

Afanasiv considered what she was asking. He would feel the same. He wanted to protect her, but she was another pair of eyes. She also was very steady as a rule, and a woman. Lilith tended to use women as the captains of her armies. She might spot something important before he could.

“Never make a sound, sívamet. If you must retreat, do it slowly and quietly. Only a very small part of you can be with me. The rest of you must guard this cabin at all times. Put up your strongest safeguards. Sorina did teach you how to do this?” He made it a question.

“Yes, since I was fairly young and we played together. I didn’t know at the time that was what she was doing, but she was. After we realized we were both changing into something different, she really worked at teaching me how to safeguard any place I was sleeping.”

“Let’s do this, then, lifemate.” He framed her face with both hands and looked into her vivid blue eyes. She had beautiful eyes. Eyes a man could drown in. He brushed kisses gently over both eyes, the tip of her elegant nose and then the corners of her mouth. “I’ll add my safeguards to yours,” he murmured against her soft lips. “The weaves will be in my mind for you to follow.”

He ran the pad of his thumb over the curve of her bottom lip, etching the feel and texture of it into his soul for all time. Then he took her mouth. Gentle. Coaxing. Tender. Promising. Tasting her as she opened for him. The rush started. The heat. The flames. The fire. He wasn’t certain if he was the match or she was. They came together in a fiery explosion that was never-ending. He didn’t want it to end. It was the most feeling he’d ever experienced. Overwhelming. Good. Paradise. His brain turned off, so there was no real ability to think. He had Vasilisa and the way she made every nerve ending in his body come alive. Hot blood rushed through his veins and thundered in his ears, roared in his groin, pooling to make urgent demands.

He didn’t know who pulled back first, but suddenly he felt very much bereft, his mouth just scant inches from hers. “I know I was supposed to go somewhere and do something very important, but that’s gone up in flames.”

Her laughter was low, her blue eyes soft. Her fingers traced his bottom lip gently. “I believe you were about to go off on a rescue mission to retrieve my brothers from the depths of hell. Something easy like that.”

He nodded and captured her hands. “Be safe, Vasilisa. Don’t take any chances. Anyone coming to the cabin—anyone at all—related to you, looking like one of your friends, could easily be someone compromised.”

She nodded her head. “I’m well aware. I won’t allow anyone in, no matter the circumstances.”

“They can get inventive. Wolves devouring someone right outside your door.”

“They could try that, but I control the wolves. If they didn’t obey me, I would know immediately that it was a setup. Go before the sun is up.”

“Seal the fault after me. Leave one tiny space my spirit will come through that only you know of. Do not share with me.”


