Daughter of Deception (The Savage Heirs #2) Read Online Ruby Vincent

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Savage Heirs Series by Ruby Vincent

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 110550 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 553(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 369(@300wpm)

Kenzie shivered. “What other explanation could there be? Did... Did one of your Cardinals drop in on you, not knowing you were downstairs?”

“None of my Cardinals knew I was there. Look, whoever was up there wasn’t friend or family. Which leaves only one category.”

“Foe,” said Sienna.

“But what explanation is there?” Kenzie spoke up. “An enemy finds you and hides in wait on the same night the Brotherhood delivers their explosive package? That’s too much of a coincidence. Plus, how did they find you? Is someone else keeping tabs on you another way?”

“All good questions,” Genny said. “I hate that I can’t answer any of them.”

“You can answer this one.” Liam got to his feet. “Will you move into the Fairfield until the threat is over? Sunny’s plan to keep wearing the trackers doesn’t work for you seeing as the Brotherhood has proven they’re actively hunting you down.”

Genny shrugged. “A bunch of bald, cowardly hiding-their-faces-but-not-the-shit-in-their-pants dudes don’t scare me. I’d say bring it on if not for the fact that they’ve gone after my girls before. They could get tired of this cat-and-mouse game and roll into Barbarella’s shooting.

“I will have to make adjustments while we hunt these guys down,” she gritted. “Including trading in Prohibition bunkers for the one place in this town they’re too chickenshit to attack.” Genny cut Kenzie a look. “Happy now? You got your wish.”

“I didn’t say a thing.”

She didn’t have to. My Angel was smug as shit.

“But I won’t hide out forever,” Genny continued. “You’ve got till the end of the month to find the rat putting trackers in my jeans, or the Cardinals storm the place and beat every stitch bitch in there until the truth pops out.”

“You can’t do that,” Kenzie cried.

“This is my city, Feisty.” Genny rolled off the couch, managing to swagger off with one bum leg. “I can do whatever I want.”


I finished dressing Laurel in a two-piece sunflower outfit that matched my sunflower dress. She tried her hardest to swipe and eat my phone as I snapped a hundred pictures of us. That done, we set off out of Sunny’s place.

In the elevator, I buzzed in.

“Hello?” Tricky’s sweet voice came through the speaker.

“Hey, it’s Kenzie and Laurel. We—”

Tricky let us in without another word. I chuckled to Laurel. “How does she figure out the code, baby? Everyone says Liam is this formidable crime boss, but his six-year-old trips him up on the daily. You won’t be nearly so crafty, will you? Promise Mommy.”

“Da da da,” she drew out.

I kissed her soft cheek. “You’re already tormenting me with this ‘mama’ holdout, so I better buckle up for the ride.”

The door swung mid-knock. Tricky threw her arms around my legs, smiling wide with all her missing teeth. She was still dressed in her pajamas, but from the looks of things, she started her day a while ago. The television was on, and her unicorn and juice box awaited her on the coffee table.

“Morning, sweetie. What are you up to?”

“I have to wake up Daddy, eat breakfast, then my tutor is coming.”

“What are you learning today?” I took Laurel out of her carrier and lowered her down for her smooches. Tricky hugged and kissed my excitable girl. Despite what Liam told her more than once, Elizabeth decided Laurel was her new baby sister and she wouldn’t hear a word otherwise.

“Ugh, I have French.” She was the spitting image of Genny rolling her eyes. “I want to learn Italy like Uncle Sunny, but Daddy says I have to know French like my grandparents.”

“I didn’t know Sunny could speak Italian.”

“Uncle Sunny knows lots of things,” she cried, spinning around. “He said he’s going to teach me everything he knows.”

Bet Liam loves that. Hiding my smile, I set Laurel down and snagged a blanket off the couch. I laid it out, then loaded it up with toys. Laurel crawled over to the good stuff without me having to get her.

“I’m going to wake up Daddy.” Tricky scurried away. A squeal pierced the air, followed by a loud groan and giggling.

I cooed at Laurel, hopping a little stuffed animal over to her.

“—many times.” Liam came out with a six-year-old slung over his shoulder. “Daddy prefers not to wake up by cannonball to the stomach...”

Liam stopped dead, staring at me, and me staring back at him. The man wore nothing but a pair of black silk boxers. His plan to blindfold and torment me with imagined images of his body was coming apart at the seams.

Thick, powerful legs flowed out of those boxers, proving the man did not skip leg day. His smooth muscled chest rippled as he moved, and seeing his hair messy and lines on his face from the pillow, made me fall for him just a little harder.

“Good morning.”

“How’d you get in here?” Liam blurted.


