Daughter of Deception (The Savage Heirs #2) Read Online Ruby Vincent

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Savage Heirs Series by Ruby Vincent

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 110550 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 553(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 369(@300wpm)

A thick, sludgy feeling flooded my veins. “Why would you have ideas for Ava Johnson?”

She closed the distance, smiling wider if it was possible. “Because Vance assigned me to the Johnson account. Surprise! We’re working together.”

I held very still. That’s what you did in the presence of a venomous snake. “Why would Vance assign you to my account?”

“Well, when he found out you were allowing an intern to design the wardrobe for our top client, it was clear you needed more help. Naturally, I offered to share your workload, old friend.”

“Who the hell told him Rylee was submitting designs?”

Jace raised his hand. “Me,” he sang. “It was all for you, Kenzie. Just helping out.”

Lips peeling back, my eyes narrowed to slits. Jace’s shit-eating grin twitched. “Don’t play games with me, Carter. You want to undermine me, then own your actions. Better yet, if you’ve got a problem with me giving an intern more responsibility, open your mouth and say so.”

“I— I wasn’t—” He backed up into the window seat and fell on his ass. People like him were used to their bitchiness going unchecked. He met his match in the new Kenzie. “I didn’t mean—”

I dismissed him, fixing on Lyla. “You are not on my team. I’ve informed Hollywell of your fondness for creating a hostile work environment. I’m happy to remind him—in more detail.”

The corner of her mouth tightened. “I’m so glad you brought that up. Vance mentioned something about that when I spoke to him. Thankfully we cleared up the confusion, and I have the chance to clear it with you.” Lyla grasped my forearms. My body hairs stood on end. “Kenzie, everything that happened with framing and getting you fired, that wasn’t me, it was all Damien. He forced me to help him because we’ve known each other since college and had a friendly rivalry.

“When I refused to h-help him,” she said, lips trembling. “Damien threatened me. We were sleeping together at the time. I know it was stupid, but you remember how charming he could be.”

Each word pierced deeper into my chest.

“Damien said if I didn’t help him get rid of you, he’d take me down with him when Talia destroyed his career. It was the three of us, or it was just you.” She tried to touch my cheek and I shot away. “I hate that I gave in to him, Kenzie. I was naïve and stupid and afraid of losing my big shot, but the real villain here is Damien... which is what I explained to Vance.”

Her expression changed. “He opened Caddell House to all sorts of lawsuits and bad press. I mean, Damien Stone, co-director of Caddell House New York, seduced and knocked up a junior designer, forced the intern he was fucking to help destroy her credibility, and then abandoned her to live on the streets. CH’s reputation will be in ruins. People will boycott our clothes until he’s fired, and he damn well should be.”

I stood rigid as she closed the distance again. Touched me—again.

“Damien deserves what’s coming to him and more, but after talking with Vance, we agreed this problem is best handled in-house. Damien doesn’t get to take all of us down with him.” She clapped. “But the first step is repairing my relationship with you. When Jace said you were in over your head, I saw that as the perfect opportunity.

“I want to help, Kenzie. I am here to support you during your transition back into the fashion scene. After all, you weren’t keeping up to date while living on the streets.” She laughed, setting my teeth on edge. “The best part is you already told Vance that you’ll work with me without drama, so you have no reason to tell HR we’ll create a hostile work environment. I want to work with you. You want to work with me. Everyone is happy.”

I glared down my nose at her, considering what would happen if I let my balled fists do what they were ready to do. “Let me see if I’ve got this right, you threatened to leak my story and my trauma all so you could leverage yourself into a better position. A position that’ll keep you conveniently close to me and make your eventual sabotage that much easier.”

She gasped. “That’s not what I’m saying at all! Kenzie, how could you even think that?!” Lyla whirled on the silent Jace. “Are you listening to her? If anyone’s creating a hostile work environment right now, it’s not me.”

“There’s no hostility here.” Brushing past her, I centered myself in a single breath, pushing my rage down.

“It’s chess, Kenzie. You’re not playing the game. You’re playing the person. For some, a few threats will do. For others, a couple stacks of cash. Couple of the hard cores won’t be put down for less than a beating so savage they want to crawl back into their mother’s womb. But for the rest... Enemies like Snyder, Adams, and the leader of the Brotherhood, they’ll never stop coming unless they’re put down for good.”


