Debase Read online Rachel Van Dyken (Elite Bratva Brotherhood #1)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Elite Bratva Brotherhood Series by Rachel Van Dyken

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 108119 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 432(@250wpm)___ 360(@300wpm)

“Listen to me.” I held the towel against his hand. “Just because you’re his son, doesn’t mean you’re like him.”

“Lie,” he whispered, finally locking eyes with me. “I am exactly like him.”

“Prove it,” I challenged.

He blinked slowly, his eyes landing on my mouth. “I’d rather prove you wrong than prove him right. You have a big day tomorrow. Go to sleep.”


He scowled. “Could you for once listen to me the first time?”

I smiled. “No.”

He stared me down. “One day, dorogaya you’ll have beautiful children. They’ll laugh, they’ll be free. When you close your eyes, you’ll be thankful you ran away, thankful that you started fresh. For some of us, it’s too late, but for you?” He pressed his good hand against my cheek, his hand was alarmingly warm, soft. “You will have a beautiful future.”

“And if I choose an ugly present and uncertain path?”

“You were never mine.” He said it like it killed him inside to admit. “Your name was never written down in the book here at the club, you weren’t purchased, you’re free. This is the part where you say thank you.”

“If you bought me, would you let me stay?”

He swore. “Do you hear yourself? Is this what three days in my presence has done to you? Degraded to the point of being an object for fucking sale?”

“Answer me!” Tears welled in my eyes.

“Dorogaya” His voice was thick. “I’m a very rich man, but even I couldn’t afford you.”

I gasped.

He leaned in and spoke the word against my lips. “Priceless.”

Our foreheads touched then, they pressed together while tension built between us.

“Go.” I flinched at the pain in his voice, the sheer vulnerability of the way he said such a simple word, like releasing it into the air between us felt like stabbing himself in the heart. “Please.”

I didn’t kiss him.

Kissing wouldn’t fix this.

Fix him.


I was traumatized, broken, I’d suffered by those who loved me.

And the problem between us.

He had too.

We were abused by those who were supposed to protect us. Its unnatural for a parent to go against instinct, so it’s only natural that the object of their hate, of their hurt, turns to darkness for peace.

Because you can no longer trust the light.

I knew that feeling well.

I stood.

He didn’t look at me.

But as I walked toward the door, I heard him whisper, “Goodbye, dorogaya… Alice.”



I called Phoenix first thing.

He didn’t answer.

So, I sent him a text.

Me: I’m going to need a new social for Alice, new last name, a job, maybe something in retail. She likes clothes. Have her dye her hair blond so she’s unrecognizable, talk to her about the risks of wiping her prints from her skin. I’ll have her ready in an hour.

Phoenix replied back quickly.

Phoenix: I’m confused, I gave her twenty-four hours. She has yet to contact me. Did she tell you she wanted this?

I frowned down at my phone.

Me: What are you talking about?

Phoenix: I offered her, her freedom last night. She said no.

Hands shaking, I read the response over and over again. He had to be wrong. Mistaken. Confused.

Because it was often that Phoenix Nicolasi was confused?

He was in his twenties, not his eighties.

Me: Whatever. I made the choice for her. It’s not worth it. I thought I could control it, thought it would be different.

Phoenix: So, what you’re saying is, you’re a coward?

Me: Take that back or I’m burning down your house with you in it.

Phoenix: Promises… whoops, I just added everyone in on this conversation. Guys Andrei’s scared.

I almost broke my phone in half.

Barely stopped myself from throwing it against the wall as texts came in.

Nixon: He does realize that he’s the monster he sees in the mirror… right?

Me: Speak for yourself psycho.

Nixon: I love it when you compliment me.

Chase: I was scared of the dark too when I was a kid, but then I put on my big boy pants realized I have a dick not a pussy and got the hell over it!

Me: We sure you have a dick?

Dante: Don’t make him show us.

Tex: Like the camera can really capture things that small.

Sergio: Why are we talking about dicks again? It’s seven a.m.!

Phoenix: Trouble in paradise. Andrei’s scared of his wife.

Me: I was interested, now I’m not. Because I don’t do attachments. She’ll be fine. She has my name.

Nixon: Did you pass her a note to break up with her? Or are you waiting until recess? Shit man, you can’t just marry someone one day and break up with them the next.

Me: Setting your house on fire too, guess I’ll be busy tonight.

I hated that he was both wrong and right. She’d be safe because she’d have my name, they didn’t know it wasn’t real. It didn’t matter. My name was all that mattered.

Nixon: Could you start the fire in the kitchen? Trace wants to do a remodel, would save me a shit ton of time.


