Diamond Heart – The Atlas Organization Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 82945 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“Yeah, so what? Aren’t you proud to have a hot wife?”

“I am proud to have—wait, god damn it, don’t twist this.”

“You should be happy I look good.” I pull away from him once we’re out of sight of the others. Angry as I am, I’m aware that I have a role to play. “And I don’t need some macho controlling bullshit, Gareth. Seriously, this is stressful enough as it is.”

He hesitates for a moment. My heart’s racing as I face him. We’re standing on a sandy, rock-strewn path, halfway to the house, in sight of nothing and nobody, only the gulls in the sky and the fluffy white clouds drifting across the sun.

“You wore that outfit to distract me,” he says, eyes roaming down my body. Lingering on my tits. “Well, it fucking backfired. Carson made a joke about wanting to sleep with you. He made it sound like I had to offer you up to win the job.”

I step back as disgust rolls through me. “That asshole,” I whisper, crossing my arms over my chest. “What did you say?”

“I told him that I know how to hurt him.” Gareth puts a hand on my arm. I shake him off, guts twisting.

I like dressing to show myself off. I have a good body—and I work hard for it. I’m not ashamed to be young, fit, and attractive, and I refuse to tailor my outfits to someone else’s idea of what’s proper.

Except there’s something sickening about being objectified like that. I knew it might happen—criminals aren’t exactly known for their progressive ideas about gender equality—but hearing it from Gareth just now really hammered home how these men see me.

Like I’m nothing but a pair of tits. Something to be passed around.

But fuck them. Fuck them, those assholes. I straighten up, jaw working. Anger rushes into me. I’ve been dealing with men like Carson my whole life. Every woman does, especially women that take some risks, that dress how they want. The world’s full of Carsons, leering little shitheads. I won’t bend for him. I won’t change.

“I’m fine wearing what I have on,” I say, back still turned to him.

“Didn’t you hear me? Those mob pricks—”

“I heard you,” I say, turning around. “I also heard you try to get me to put different clothes on just because some asshole made a joke.”

“I’m trying to win work from them,” he says, glaring at me. “This isn’t some swimsuit competition.”

“What, you’re embarrassed or something?” I feel so mortified I could die. “God, this is so pathetic.”

“Fiona,” Gareth says but I’m already walking away. Fuck him and fuck this job. I don’t need this. Maybe I’m screwing myself by storming off but what the hell, I was at rock bottom once. I can do it again.

He follows me. “Go away,” I say, walking faster. The house comes into view up ahead. “I’m not about to stick around for some asshole that’s embarrassed to have me around.”

“You think I’m embarrassed?” he asks.

“You sure as hell keep acting like it.”

“Fiona, just stop.”

I reach the outdoor shower and turn toward the back stairs, but Gareth grabs my arm.

I yank away. “Stop touching me.”

“I’m not embarrassed,” he says, leaning close, and pins me up against the shower door. I suck in a surprised breath at the look in his eyes. Pure lust. Pure rage. Possessive and intense. “Fuck, Fiona, you’re incredible. You’re fucking beautiful. By far the sexiest woman I’ve ever see in my life. You’re gorgeous. You think I’m embarrassed? I’m proud to call you my wife, even if it’s not real. God damn, you look absolutely incredible, and it’s taking all my willpower to keep my hands to myself.”

I blink at him. Water glistens on his body. His lips hang open, his breath coming fast. His hands are on either side of my shoulders, keeping me locked in front of him. The old, scratchy wooden door digs into my back.

My anger doesn’t go away, because he’s still a dick, but that was nice to hear. “Then why are you asking me to change?”

“Because I can’t stand letting those assholes want you,” he says, eyes burning into mine. “It killed me, hearing him say that. It has nothing to do with what you’re wearing. It has everything to do with making you mine. I hate that Carson’s staring at your body, thinking about fucking you, when I’m doing the same thing. And I can’t even take what I want.”

“What do you want?” I whisper, licking my lips.

“You,” he said, tone strained. “Fuck, Fiona, you have to see that. I want you, but we both know it would be a massive mistake.”

“You want me,” I say, mouth hanging open. Core shivering with desire.

This is stupid—absolutely a mistake—but yet I can’t help it. The way he’s looking at me, his shirtless, damp body. It’s all rushing through my skull. Chasing away the anger. Leaving only adrenaline and pure lust behind.


