Diamond Heart – The Atlas Organization Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 82945 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“Oh,” she says, sounding disappointed. Not that I can blame her. I’m sure she had to put in some work to find someone qualified and willing, much less a whole list. “Well then. I guess I’ll just fuck myself.”

I bark a laugh. From anyone else, that’d be unprofessional. But I know Janine from college. “Sorry, seriously, an opportunity dropped in my lap. I’m moving to Boston. Not sure when, but it’ll be soon.”

“Boston, huh? Cool city. How’d that happen?”

“Opening a new practice there. Got a big client and just decided to take the plunge.”

“Well, great, how about you make this up to me by letting me staff your new place? How’s that sound?”

“Deal,” I say, grinning. “You know, I’m sitting in a rock-climbing gym right now. Can you imagine me in a climbing gym in the middle of the day?”

“No,” she says in all honesty. “I never dreamed you’d leave your desk during work hours. What dragged you there?”

“Fiona. Remember that assistant you hired for me? She’s really into it.”

“Oh, wow, good for her,” she says, laughing. “That’s, uh, surprising. That you’d go to a climbing gym… for an assistant.”

I grimace slightly. “I married her too.”

“Right. Now that makes more sense.” An awkward pause. “Congrats?”

“Thanks,” I say, leaning my head back.

“It’s funny, actually. There’s this extremely popular company, Appalachian Peaks, trying to hire for a few positions. I’ve been really digging for someone good.”

“Fiona’s good,” I say automatically, not sure why I’m doing it. But fuck, she loves Appalachian Peaks. She’d absolutely kill to work there. “Smart girl, got a degree from Penn. You’ve seen her resume.”

“I know, which is why I was wondering why the hell she took your job. Desperate for a gig, I guess.”

“Thanks, that hurts though.”

“Just saying. Should I throw her hat in the ring? See if anyone’s interested? I still have her information. The job’s in Dallas though, if that matters.”

I hesitate. Fiona’s going to move to Boston with me—because she says she has nothing else.

But this could be huge for her. She’s been so adrift lately, so desperate to find meaning in her life. After the fire, her parents leaving, her best friend moving away, she needs a win.

A massive win like getting a job at her dream company.

That win won’t be me, no matter how much I want it to be.

I’m not enough for her.

But a job with her favorite company though? A real shot at a future, a career? That’s the sort of good luck that could turn everything around for her.

I want to say no. I want to be a selfish prick and keep her all to myself.

“Do it,” I say. “See how it goes.” Maybe that’s a mistake, but Fiona deserves this. She deserves better than a fake marriage to me.

I don’t know how we’ll work that out with the Crowleys, but it’s my problem to solve, not hers.

“You got it. Tell your wife I said, uh, congrats. And good luck.”

We make a little more small talk then hang up.

Fiona reaches the top of her wall. She lets go, the auto belay catching her and lowering her down to the floor. She floats like an angel, grinning at me huge, clearly excited to have made the difficult climb.

I wave to her, my stomach twisted into a knot.

Chapter 32


Gareth decides to surprise me by taking the rest of the day off. We leave the gym and head to a nearby wine bar. Lots of glass, lots of light. Wood and metal are the dominant motifs. We get a table near the front windows, away from the other patrons. Gareth orders for both of us. It’s quiet, but starting to fill up as Friday wears on and people leave the office early.

“You’re not talkative,” I say, swirling my red, eyeing him over the glass. Despite claiming he wants to spend time with me, as soon as we’re actually together, it’s like his mind is elsewhere.

He forces a smile though. “Sorry. Just thinking.”

“This is the part of the conversation where you share what you’re thinking,” I prompt, eyebrows raised.

“Just work stuff.” He takes a drink. Shutting down again. Pushing me away.

I want to push him on it, but decide on a different tact. “This morning when I sucked your dick, that’s the first time I ever swallowed.”

He chokes on his drink, looking around to see if anyone heard. “I’m sorry, what now?”

“Your cum. It was the first time I ever swallowed cum.”

“That’s good to know.” He clears his throat. “Did you enjoy it?”

“Actually, I didn’t mind,” I admit. “It wasn’t my favorite thing in the world, but the way you looked at me was totally worth it. I could get used to it.”

“You could get used to me coming in your mouth,” he says quietly.

I inwardly beam at the look in his eye. “Definitely. You’re pretty big though, so I’ll have to work a little harder to get you down my throat. Right now, I can barely fit your tip in my mouth.”


