Diamond Heart – The Atlas Organization Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 82945 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

I feel sick. Fuck, I should’ve paid the judge more, should’ve made it clear never to reveal our bargain under any circumstances. Only I put this marriage together in a rush and I never imagined someone would look this deeply.

“And, what did you think?” I ask, hoping he can’t hear the discomfort in my voice.

“I liked him. He was a very calm man. Very cool under pressure.” Liam pauses for a long moment. I could stab a fork in the fucker’s hand, but I keep it together. I’m used to high-pressure situations, and this is no different than standing in front of a jury, lying out my face. He continues: “I am officially done with my investigation. I admit, sometimes I go overboard, and it seems like this is one of those instances. On behalf of myself, I would like to extend my welcome to the Crowley family, and I hope we do business for a very long time.”

I sit there in total shock. The goddamn judge did it. And now Liam’s saying he’s not going to keep digging.

The nightmare is over. It’s like a huge weight should lift from my shoulders.

Instead, all I feel is a heavier rock dragging me to the floor.

There’s nothing standing between me and Boston now. Liam was my last obstacle, and now that he’s giving up, I can pack my shit without worry.

I’m going to the next level. I’m taking the first step on a journey to the top.

So why do I feel sick?

Suddenly, it all clicks into place.

Evander, sitting in that bar, telling me what love really means.

Orin in his office, looking like stress is rotting him from the inside.

Orin at the beach, looking light and happy and free.

Liam, the other sons, all of them obsessed with their family.

And Fiona.

“There’s a problem,” I blurt out before I can stop myself. The wheels grind in my skull, a plan forming. A stupid plan. “I need a few more weeks before I can move out to Boston. There are some loose ends I need to take care of first.” The words gush out of my mouth like a rushing stream. I don’t think, don’t bother trying to figure out how this is going over. I simply tell him, praying that it won’t ruin everything.

His face falls, and yeah, I fucked up.

“What problem?” he says, tone frigid. “What can be more important than taking my father up on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?”

“It’s personal,” I say, blinking rapidly. “A family issue. Something I need to work out with my wife.”

Liam grunts, frustrated. “We won’t wait forever, Gareth. I don’t like this indecisiveness. This back and forth. If you want this job, you’d better take it before we move on to someone else. I’ll tell my father that I’m done with my suspicions, but he’s not going to like this new development.”

“Send along my apologies,” I say, grimacing slightly. “And I’ll reach out to explain to him shortly.”

“I hope you will.” Liam stands abruptly. “You’re a good lawyer. You can keep your mouth shut. I don’t doubt it. But you better not start thinking you’re better off without my family.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” I say, nodding my head in deference.

He turns away. His body hangs tense, taut, but he finally moves off. I watch him go until he disappears into the lobby.

Fucking hell, what am I doing right now?

I deflate like a burst balloon, sitting there alone in the booth, trying to get myself together.

But I can’t stop seeing it all swirl in my head. My father drinking himself to death, Orin stressing himself to an early grave. My own future working myself like a mule for a gangster. And Fiona.

There are two paths before me.

One leads to Boston, to a future I always thought I wanted. Power, glory, money. A way to the next level.

The other leads to Fiona. A wife, a family. Something I never dreamed could be mine.

How can I turn my back on the goal I’ve been working toward my whole life? For something I didn’t even know I wanted until I met Fiona?

And yet there’s only one option for me. One real path, arcing into my future, and I know I’ll regret it forever if I refuse to follow.

I stand, planning, and get the hell out of this creepy cliché restaurant.

Chapter 46


Monday morning. I’m awake way earlier than I need to be—four on the dot—but I can’t get back to sleep.

It’s the first day of a new job.

I’m nervous. I’d be crazy if I weren’t at least a little bit nervous. The first day should be the easiest though—they won’t expect me to do anything serious, not until I’m acclimated with the office, with the basic stuff like email and logging into the computer and all that crap.

I’ll meet my coworkers, my bosses. I’ll smile, make small talk, try to fit in.


