Dirty Husband Read online Crystal Kaswell

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 90114 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 360(@250wpm)___ 300(@300wpm)

When I worked for him, he was very clear about the line between private and professional. He refused to discuss personal matters at the office. Or to discuss work matters after hours.

He offered me a job at his start-up because he knew I needed it. But once I got there, he treated me like I was any other employee. Not like I was an old friend. Not like I was his brother's ex-girlfriend.

Lizzy was one of our programming interns. I was surprised when he started mentoring her personally. It wasn't like Nick. He stayed out of things. And he certainly didn't take an interest in pretty young college students.

I never, once, thought he'd cross that line. He's not that type.

When I realized they were fucking—

I was angry. Disappointed even.

He's better than that. He's better than risking everything for his dick. He's certainly better than taking advantage of a subordinate.

But when I saw them together… I don't know. They're too right to be wrong.

He needs her. And she needs him. I don't know how it happened, but the reclusive tech mogul is madly in love.

His eyes light up as Lizzy spins on her heels—well, her black wedges. She's even shorter than I am, but she has some kind of back issue, as a result of being in the car accident that killed her parents. She lives in cute yet practical wedges.

And she…

I guess she and Nick have that in common. The loss. It must be nice to be with someone who understands. Who's willing to share that pain. Who doesn't look at you like you're defective because you still miss your mom.

"Kat always says that." She mentions her sister, an artist studying at Columbia.

"Is she coming?" I supervised the guest list, but my thoughts are still fuzzy. Dulled by pleasure.

Lizzy nods. "To an engagement party?" Lizzy pushes her dark glasses up her nose. They're perfect for her. They scream cool computer geek. "Are you kidding? Kat never misses the chance to celebrate love." She holds her hand to her heart, imitating her sister. "Isn't it beautiful?" She leans back. "Two people joining their lives forever?"

Nick rushes to Lizzy. Holds her steady.

She shoots him a knowing look. One of those couple looks.

Something passes between them. Something only they understand.

It makes my heart pang. I'm happy for them. Really. I'm not sure I've ever been happier for anyone. Nick is like a brother and I love him like a brother. I want the world for him.

Lizzy—she's basically the world, in his eyes.

She's his perfect opposite. Lively, loud, unapologetic about what she wants. No regard for lines or rules or order.

She's always dragging him to a sci-fi movie or a walk in the park or a night of dancing.

And they, well… the walls at Odyssey were thinner than they thought.

It's strange, hearing a man you consider your brother order his subordinate out of her dress. That's just—

It is strange, that Shep and Nick share some of the same tastes. If I knew more about psychology, I'm sure I'd be able to explain it better. Maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe it's shared history. The pain of losing their mother so young. The abandonment by their biological father.

Something their stepfather—

"It's nice to see you, Jasmine." Nick, always a proper gentleman, extends his hand. "You look beautiful." His gaze shifts to his brother. He raises a brow. Beautiful and just-fucked.

Or maybe I'm imagining things.

I shake Nick's hand. If it was anyone else, I'd insist on a hug. But Nick is firm when it comes to propriety.

"You too." Nick turns to his brother with a smile. "You look especially lovely."

It's still strange, seeing Nick joke. He does it all the time now that he's with Lizzy, but I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it.

"I try." Shep's tone is almost friendly. He turns to Lizzy and nods hello. "Ms. Wilder."

"Mr. Marlowe." She nods back. "I guess that will get confusing, with both of you here."

"Baby, when's the last time you called me Mr. Marlowe?" Nick asks.

She rises to her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. He's still so much taller than her. He has to bend to bring his ear to her mouth.

It's adorable. Then she blushes and he gets this oh, I'll fuck you properly later look and it's—

Well, it would be hot if it was anyone else. As it is, Nick is practically my brother. The brother I never had.

"Yes, you're very charming." Shep motions to the table. We're in a private room above an exclusive restaurant. A room big enough for twenty. Right now, it's just a small round table and four chairs.

Lizzy and Nick already have drinks. Dark liquid in ice. Soda or soda and some brown liquor?

I don't ask. Even after scouring the Internet for tips on living with recovering alcoholics, I don't have a real sense of what's appropriate. Is it better to abstain in Shep's presence? Or better to treat him like a normal person who can take care of himself?


