Double Down Read online Alessandra Torre (All In Duet #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: All In Duet Series by Alessandra Torre

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 68831 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 344(@200wpm)___ 275(@250wpm)___ 229(@300wpm)

In three steps we were through the door to Laurent’s room and he was kicking the door shut and pushing me toward the bed, his eyes dark with arousal. “I need you so fucking bad.”

I ripped off the sweatshirt, and he hooked his fingers in my sweatpants and worked them over my hips. I reached for his jeans, and he straightened, watching as I parted his fly and dragged down the zipper. I stared at the hard outline of his cock, hanging to the right side, and ran my fingers over the cotton, then gripped him through the fabric.

“Come on, Bell. Touch it.”

I pulled the black fabric down, exposing the top of his shaft, thin veins bulging, his olive skin tight. I glanced up at him. His eyes were dark with need, his features pinched, gaze tight on me. I pulled the fabric lower, till his cock broke free and bobbed out. When I gripped it, he groaned. The beautiful organ was swollen, the head glistening with a drop of precum. I leaned forward and captured the drop with my tongue, an action that caused his thighs to twitch under my palms, his legs parting a little to give me better access.

“Suck it. Please.”

I heard a rumble of voices from the carport and ignored them, my knees hitting the carpet, my hand fisting his thick shaft. I lowered my head and began to work my lips over his head, my tongue against the underside, my cheeks hollowing as I increased the suction.

He hissed, his fingers tightening on my hair and he enjoyed the sensation for several minutes before pulling me off and nodding to the bed. “Get on your knees. Bent over.”

I scrambled back, turning around, finding my way across the dark surface, dimly lit by the moonlight coming in the window. My elbows hit the mattress, ass in the air.

He left my panties on and ran a hand over the curve of my butt, sliding a hand under the cotton and taking a leisurely tour over my ass cheeks. I peeked back and saw his cock jutting out, the thick head of it swinging through the air between his muscular thighs. His grip tightened. “Fuck, I missed you.”

I felt his fingers slide along the edge of my panties, pushing the fabric into my crack, my ass cheeks exposed, his touch roaming over their bare surface.

“I’ve needed you.” His hand slid down, talented fingers playing over my damp opening, moves that had my back arching, a moan slipping out. He kept me on my knees, but yanked at the cotton of my panties, pulling them over my ass and down my legs, and I was naked.

I swallowed. “I’m so glad you are here.”

His forefingers pushed in between my folds, just an inch of penetration, and my composure buckled. I gasped out his name and he leaned forward, running his hand up my stomach and cupping my bare breasts, squeezing them as he worked his fingers in and out of me.

“Roll over for me.”

I obeyed, loose and needy, my legs tumbling over his arms as he continued the casual manipulation of my most sensitive area. He ripped open a condom package and worked it on as I tightened around his finger, my orgasm building, my G-spot swelling, and fell flat on my back. He lifted one of my ankles to his shoulder, watched my face as the orgasm approached, then delicately delivered the sweetest pleasure in the world.

My back arched, my hands clawed in an attempt to reach him, and he rolled a wet digit over my clit as he fucked me with his fingers, the orgasm blindingly sharp. Waves of intensity hit, my cries growing louder, and the angles changed as he crawled on top and silenced me with his mouth.

God, I’ve missed his kiss. The domination of it, the surrender of everything as I yielded to the strong sweeps of his tongue, the give and take of his power, the raw energy that fueled my arousal and built everything to a higher degree. When we kissed, I felt more alive, more vulnerable, more protected, more afraid. I kissed him and was terrified I would never feel this way again. I kissed him and—

He pulled his fingers from me and I whimpered, needing more, the orgasm not yet done. I clawed at his shoulders, and then he thrusted forward, his cock pushing in, and I was whole.

Better than whole. He drove deeper, his cock almost painful in its girth, and I fell apart, the orgasm sinking, tremors of pleasure quaking as it disappeared and a guttural need to be dominated took its place.

“Harder.” I grunted the word, my nails digging into his back, my mouth took again by his kiss, this time rougher, our teeth hitting, tongues colliding, breaths panting as he rocked his hips back and slammed forward, the depth causing a sharp pain. He groaned and I swore, crying out for more.


