Dragon in Boots – The Immortal Tailor Read Online Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 62528 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

“A company called SBP. We have the place surrounded and move tonight,” Gabrán said.

And there’s our mole. But why would Cimil be the one behind Sky’s murder? Or take her family?

What was that diabolic mess of a goddess up to? Damien had to find out before these soldiers descended on the warehouse.

“Tell me,” Damien said, “is the plan to kill Cimil?”

“Why ya askin’?”

Because if Cimil knew her head was still on the chopping block, she’d be prepared to fight. This might be her big stand to kick off the war.

“Do you even know why she’s at that warehouse? Do you know what SBP does?” Damien asked. Gabrán needed to understand that Cimil was likely growing an army.

“Our mission is to subdue the goddess and turn her over. Now, step aside, tailor. Let the real men gettah work, aye?”

Real men? Half these clowns had been in diapers, using baby swords, when Damien was out doing what deadly, demon-infested men like him did. Kill, hunt, fight, dress cool.

“By all means,” Damien said, “don’t let me stand in your way.” Even if you’re in my home and completely clueless about the situation.

Damien went to the kitchen, grabbed the keys to his black Jeep and headed to the garage. First, he’d stop by the shop and grab a vampire, or two, his demons, and perhaps even invite that hellhound. Something was going down, and he was going to find out. Especially because Sky’s sister and nephew could end up as collateral damage.

Jac found Heebie in Dash’s dressing room, flexing his thick, muscled arms in front of the mirror. “Who’s a sexy dragon, huh? You are. That’s right. You,” he said to himself and then planted a juicy kiss on his right gun.

Jac still found the entire thing surreal—how a living being could change form, including shrinking its mass—but watching a dragon make out with a bicep that belonged to Dash gave new meaning to the word bizarre. Also, narcissist.

“I see you ditched the fur.” She leaned against the doorway, folding her arms.

“Jacquelin!” Heebie smiled warmly. “It is truly a pleasure to meet you properly.” Heebie spoke with an accent she couldn’t place. If she had to name one, she’d say Transylvanian. Kind of Dracula-esque. Slithery.

“So you’re a dragon, huh?” she said.

“Yes. And I am delighted to meet such a fierce, lovely female such as yourself. It has been centuries since I have seen a beauty like you. So much firrrre waiting to be unleashed!” He strutted over and placed a lingering kiss atop of her hand. His lips were cold and leathery despite their plump, seductive appearance. This Dash was definitely an illusion.

She resisted the urge to pull away because she wasn’t here for herself. This was for Dash. “Well, I’m not nearly as old and wise as you, Heebie, but if there’s one thing I love, it’s an exotic, powerful predator.” She batted her eyelashes.

He dropped her hand. “But do you not wish to know about yourself? Because I can teach you everything, Jacquelin—how to shift, how to fly, and how to cook casseroles with your mouth. I know all there is about what you are, and I am the last.”

She couldn’t lie; she really did want to learn everything about their fascinating species. What it would be like to fly! The money she could save on airfare alone. There were so many places she’d never been to because she never had the funds. Still, she would never exchange her thirst for knowledge or desire to travel for Dash’s life.

“What about the women from last night?” she asked. “Don’t they count?”

He laughed into the air. “Those decrepit soft-bellies? They are the last dragonettes because they lived in caves, hiding under rocks for centuries. They know nothing of our lore, and they are not fighters who embody the strength and deadliness of dragons, like you.”

“How do you know what I am?” Or am not?

“When you get as old as I, you know.” He added, “You may not be a full-blooded dragon, but I can smell the power in your veins.”

So Dash had been right. Only one of her parents had been a dragon.

“I bet you come from a royal bloodline,” he added.

“Is that why you kept rubbing your face on my ankles?”

“No,” he scoffed. “I needed to get off. My bloom was coming, and you can’t let that fluid build up.”

He’d been masturbating on her? My ankles feel so violated.

“Yes. Buildup bad,” Jac said awkwardly, preparing to give him her spiel. “Obviously, I have a lot to learn. Especially considering I had no clue I wasn’t completely human until last night.” Egg! A freaking egg! “But with your wisdom and guidance, I hope I can work through that.”

“Of course, Jac. A female, such as you, and a powerful male such as I? I think you’re just what I need to usher in a new dawn of dragons.”


