Drake (Pittsburgh Titans #5) Read Online Sawyer Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Pittsburgh Titans Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92180 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

She smiles, giving a slight nod as she starts to ride me slowly. “I never knew.”

My hands grip hard, and I stop her movement, holding her pinned on me. “Never knew? You’ve never had sex without a condom before?”

She tries to move her hips, desperate to create that friction, but I hold her in place. Brienne rolls her eyes. “Is that so hard to believe?”

“But… you’re experienced. I mean, really experienced.” She glares at me, and it makes me grin. “I mean that in a good way. I just assumed.”

Something flicks across her face, an emotion I might deem embarrassment, but it’s gone before I can make something of it. “I’m experienced, yes, but I’ve never had the urge to have sex without a condom. So this is a first.”

“Fuck,” I rasp, because… that means I’m a first for her.

Brienne knocks my hands off her hips, catching me by surprise as she lifts herself nearly off my cock before pressing back down. My vision dims as my head spins.

“Feel good?” she asks with a husky laugh.

“Don’t stop doing that,” I grit out as she does it again. Damn, I’m not going to last long. “But slowly, Bri. Fuck me slowly.”

“I can do that,” she says as she initiates a slow undulation of her body on mine.

She’s a fucking goddess. Hardly any of her body is exposed to me, but it doesn’t matter. I focus on her face and the way she bites into her lower lip.

Concentrating on making this good for both of us.

I lightly place my hands on her thighs, but I let her drive. I’m mesmerized by her sinuous motions, and every slide of her flesh against mine causes pleasure to swell within me.

Brienne Norcross asserts complete dominion over my body, and I just let the fuck go. She rides me with the force of a thousand tornadoes, her eyes darkening like thunderstorms as lightning bolts of ecstasy wrack my body.

Hurricane Brienne can rage over me any day.

“That’s it,” I murmur, my hands stroking along her thighs. “Use me.”

She falters, tipping her head down, eyes widening.

“That’s right.” I squeeze her legs. “I love watching you fuck yourself on my cock.”

“Jesus, Drake,” she gripes, but she doesn’t miss a beat. “You’ve got a dirty mouth.”

“You love it.”

“Don’t hate it,” she gasps as she presses both hands onto my chest and slows her pace. Ordinarily, this would forestall the onslaught of release, but with her eyes half-mast as she focuses on how I feel inside her, I’m near the tipping point.

“Just like that,” I praise gruffly, and admittedly, it comes off as a bit pleading.

Brienne smiles at me, and it’s triumphant.

My hand slides to her clit, and I touch her lightly. “Want to feel you come all over me.”

No clue if it was my torrent of dirty talk or the touch to her clit, but she explodes with a cry that has her arching her back and exposing her creamy throat to me. I lunge upward.

Wrapping one arm around her, I fist her hair and force her mouth on mine. It’s her own orgasm that finally prompts me to fall with her.

As she cries out, her pussy contracting around me, I roll her over and drive into her. Brienne buries her face into my shoulder, groaning and jerking as she continues to come, and it takes all of three hard thrusts until I’m roaring out my release.

My hips continue to buck against her, and while I don’t dare say it, I’m fucking delirious that I’ve come inside her.

I hate that my thoughts go to my ex-wife, but I search for a single memory where that was important to me. Even as we were trying to get pregnant, the most I managed was perhaps a clinical excitement that maybe my sperm would hook up with her egg.

But as I collapse onto Brienne, my lungs fighting for the same oxygen she’s trying to pull into herself, I can only accept I have a weird satisfaction that I’ve marked her in some way.

Groaning, I roll us to our sides, my hand pressed to her ass to keep us locked together.

Brienne’s fingers play along the nape of my neck. “Are you going to stay?”

“Are you going to work?” I ask.

Her lips curve upward. “I have that important email to send.”

The beast inside me that wants to fuck her again just as soon as I recharge wants to drag her off to bed and start the foreplay right away. I want to force her to leave her computer alone. She works too fucking hard.

But the man who was screwed over by the one woman he should have been able to trust most in the world tells me I’m getting too attached.

Too close.

I shouldn’t care about that stuff, and it’s freaking me out.

I rub my nose along hers. “I think I’ll leave you alone to get your work done.”


