Drake (Pittsburgh Titans #5) Read Online Sawyer Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Pittsburgh Titans Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92180 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

Something brushes by me… a mere whisper of movement. My eyes pop open, and I turn to see Brienne stomping through the house.

She heads right for the front door, grabbing her purse.

I scramble after her, taking hold of her arm before she can escape. “Wait a minute.”

Brienne jerks away but wheels to face me. She says nothing because her glare speaks volumes.

“I’m sorry. I was caught off guard.” Lame explanation, and there’s no way I can defend the tone with which I questioned her. It came off exactly as I felt at that moment… as if she was redefining the boundaries of our relationship without consulting me first.

Within that frigid expression, I realize that her being here doesn’t have anything to do with what’s between us. Which means… something is wrong with someone in my family and panic bursts within me.

She must read the horrid thoughts flashing through my brain because she holds up a hand. “Kiera has the flu. She called me last night because she was pretty sick, and the only other person she knows is Jenna, but she was on the road trip.”

“Is she—”

“She’ll be fine. Her fever finally broke a few hours ago. I fed the boys and put them to bed. I was just waiting for you to come home before I left. Kiera’s pretty weak, and I didn’t want to leave the kids alone.”

“Christ,” I mutter, rubbing a hand over my face. “I’m sorry, Bri. Thank you for coming over and helping—”

“You’re welcome,” she clips out and turns for the door.

“Please, just wait.” I grab her wrist, as close to begging as I’ve ever come with any woman. “Don’t go.”

She stills, looking at me warily.

I take in a breath and let it out. “When I saw you in the kitchen, I…” Fuck, this is painful to admit. “I was pissed.”

“You thought I crossed a line without permission,” she says quietly, tugging her wrist free but not bolting for the door. “You thought I was here, perhaps taking more than what you had offered.”

I’ll never lie to her. “Yeah… that’s exactly what I thought. And I was obviously wrong.”

“Well,” she says calmly, lifting her chin, “you don’t have to worry about that. I don’t want anything more than what you offer. I was only here to help Kiera.”

Fuck. Why does that sting? Why wouldn’t she want more from me? Yes… I know I’m contradicting myself. Talk about a mixed bag of emotions—but it also hits me like a ton of bricks… Brienne came and took care of my sister.

My children.

Walked away from whatever mountain of work I know she had and selflessly gave of herself. She didn’t do it for me either, but because she’s a good woman.

Her words are efficient as she leaves instructions. “I got Kiera’s fever to break by alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen. Her next dose of Tylenol is due in three hours. Four more hours after that, hit her with ibuprofen. She had some vomiting earlier, but that seems to have settled. Cold ginger ale and some crackers are all she’s been able to keep down, but I’ve managed her hydration. There’s Gatorade and soup in the fridge, if she can tolerate it.”

Once again, she moves for the door, and I don’t grab for her this time.

I use words instead. “Don’t go.”

She freezes, her head bowed slightly, but she doesn’t turn to face me.

Stepping up behind her, I slip my arms around her waist and pull her against my body. “I’m the biggest asshole around. You didn’t deserve that.”

Brienne relaxes into me without hesitation. She could make me suffer by refusing my embrace, but she doesn’t. “I get it,” she says. “I know it was a shock to see me here. I would have texted, but Kiera didn’t want you to worry.”

“Were the boys freaked out?” I ask.

“There were some tears. They were a little scared, but ice cream made it all better.”

Chuckling, I squeeze her. “And you said you didn’t know how to communicate with kids. You’ve totally got it figured out.”

“Ice cream is universal,” she says, but then to my disappointment pulls free. Turning to face me, I note her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. “I really should get going. I have to be in by eight for a meeting with Coach West, and I need a little sleep.”

Reaching back, her fingers touch the doorknob and something close to panic wells up inside me.

“Stay the night,” I blurt out.

Her eyebrows shoot up. “Excuse me?”

“Come get a bit of sleep with me. I know you’re exhausted.”

“You and I don’t sleep when we’re together,” she points out.

“I’ll be a gentleman. I promise.”

Brienne shakes her head. “Not a good idea. I don’t think the boys should find me here… you know… with you. In your room. It’s not right.”

“The couch,” I say, reaching out and taking her hand. I walk backward and pull her along. “Just lie down with me for a bit. I’ll set the alarm for six, which is long before the boys wake up, and you’ll have plenty of time to get home for a shower and be at the office before eight.”


