El Diablo II Read online M. Robinson (The Devil #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Devil Series by M. Robinson

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 89772 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 449(@200wpm)___ 359(@250wpm)___ 299(@300wpm)

“I love you too.”

She pulled me into her arms, hugging me as tight as she could. “You need to take your wife home and get some rest.”

“I will soon. Go shower. I’ll stay with him.”

“Okay.” She kissed my cheek, and off she went.

I walked back into the bedroom, surprised to find him awake. “Papá, you need to rest.”

“I’ll rest when I die.”

“You almost did.”

“The Devil doesn’t want me yet, son. He doesn’t like competition.”

I scoffed out a chuckle. “You got jokes, I see.”

“How are you feeling? Are you all right?” he whispered out of breath.

“I’m fine.”

“I’m fine too. Now how do you really feel?”

I didn’t hesitate in replying, “Scared.”

Opening his arms, he rasped, “Come here.”


“Cruz, come here.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You can’t hurt me more than I’ve hurt you. We’ll call it even.”

“I’m not a child.”

“I don’t care how old you are. How many lives you’ve taken. How many demons keep you awake. You will always. Always. Be my child.”

Sitting on the side of his bed, I leaned forward. Gently laying across his chest. Hearing and feeling his heart against mine was a sentiment I wasn’t expecting. There was no controlling the emotions it provoked, stirring inside.

“I love you, Cruz. I’m so proud to call you my son. I never wanted to be like my father. Ever. I knew that since day one.”

“That’s where we’re different, Papá. I’ve always wanted to be like you.”

“You’re better than me, and you’ve proven that over and over again since you were a little boy. I don’t know how God let me have you, your sister, and your mom, but I thank him every day for the light you’ve brought into my dark, dark world.”

“Please…be okay.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I can’t lose you yet.”

“You’re my right eye, and your sister is my left. You are both the apples of my eyes. When it’s my time to go, just know that I will be leaving in peace. I have nothing else to repent. My soul feels saved.”

“I wish I could say the same.”

He wheezed, touching his chest. Trying to breathe through the pain talking was inflicting on his ribs. I reached for the water and helped him take a sip before placing it back on the nightstand by his bed.

“In this world, Cruz,” he softly spoke. “The only thing you can do is protect the ones you love. Family is everything. One day you’ll have kids of your own to make you feel whole. They will fill the void in your heart for the lives you’ve taken in their name.”

“I love you, Papá. You fill that void right now.”

He lightly smiled, closing his eyes. It was the first time in my life, he fell sound asleep in my presence. I sat there for a while, just listening to his lulling breath, watching his chest rise and fall. Finding harmony in it all.

After all these years, I finally knew…

His demons were laid to rest, allowing him to find the sleep he spent his entire life waiting for.

Chapter 46


It was the early hours of the morning by the time we made it back home.


That word was such a foreign concept to me a few days ago. I never thought I’d think of this house as anything other than my imprisonment behind the bars of mafia life. It was crazy how your perspective could change when you least expected it. I never imagined I’d feel love behind these walls.

I did.

I do.

Cruz saved my life. He would have died for me, and that wasn’t something I could ever overlook.

“Hey.” I walked out onto the balcony of our bedroom.

He was sitting in the lounger, watching the sun rise, declaring a new day.

“Are you coming to bed?”

“I’m not tired.”

“Will you come lay with me then?”

For a brief moment, our eyes connected before he nodded. I grabbed his hand, leading him inside.

When we passed our bed, he questioned, “Where are you going?”

“To shower with my husband. We’re filthy.”


I looked back at him, stating, “Trust me.”

Once we were in the bathroom, I turned on the shower and within seconds, the glass fogged up from the steam of the hot water. Not letting go of his hand, I spun to face him.

His eyes never lied to me, they were filled with inquisitiveness on how far I wanted to take this. There was no trepidation in my hands, as I let go of his to unbutton his shirt. One-by-one, my fingers moved down his torso before carefully pulling it down off his arms, cautious not to hurt the flesh wound on his bicep. Tugging it off, I gazed at his injury caused by a lunatic. Realizing how close it was to his heart, mine raced.

If it had been inches over, he wouldn’t be standing in front of me right now. Something came over me, I leaned in and softly kissed his gash while peering up at him through my lashes.


