Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Syn took two of Furi’s fingers in his mouth and sucked hard on them. He worked as much spit as he could onto those long digits, knowing where they were about to go.

“Mmmm, sexy bastard. Look how fuckin’ excited you are. Just begging for me to fill that hole up, aren’t you?”

Damn, Furi’s bass drawl was a powerful aphrodisiac. Syn was barely able to verbally respond to Furi’s kinky talk. All he could do was listen and enjoy it, his brain too flooded with endorphins to form a coherent response.

Furi still held one of Syn’s arms behind his back and when he pulled his fingers free from Syn's mouth he didn’t waste time sliding them up and down Syn’s crease. Syn’s ass clenched with eagerness when Furi brushed over those ultra-sensitive nerves around his hole. He boldly pushed his ass out further, silently begging for more, needing more, wanting more.

‘This is So Real’

Oh my god. Syn was too damn much. Furi never thought the man would take to bottoming so beautifully and so fast. Syn not only took to it, but he embraced it. He used it to strengthen himself, he didn’t see it as a weakness. That had been Patrick’s problem.

Syn’s ass was out and begging. Furi had to take a couple calming breaths to hold off his orgasm. Syn this responsive was like nothing he’d ever imagined. Syn called himself Furi's boyfriend in public. That had definitely been a surprise. Even men that were gay and out for years still hesitated using the ‘b’ word.

Furi rubbed across Syn’s hole, loving the hiss that eased from his man. “Yes. I know what you want.” Furi pushed gently at the tight opening, letting it loosen a bit before probing further.

“I don’t want easy. Just do it already,” Syn growled, pushing back on Furi’s hand.

Furi let go of Syn’s arm and slapped his ass hard enough to leave a nice red handprint. Syn jerked and glared back at Furi, but the look didn’t deter him. He wasn’t about to let Syn take over what was his. “Put both your hands on the wall and don’t fuckin’ move them. Or else I’m gonna jerk off and come all over your ass, and there won’t be a damn thing you can do about it. I’ll leave your hole empty and hungry all night,” Furi threatened at the back Syn’s head.

Syn’s chest expanded with his inhale and fell evenly as he slowly placed his hands on the wall. Furi inwardly pumped his fist in victory. This big, bad Sergeant was his to control. Even though Patrick had wanted Furi to top him, he’d never allowed Furi to top him like this, to top the way he wanted to.

“Good, baby. Let me take care of you.” Furi first rubbed the stinging skin on Syn’s ass before pulling one cheek aside to open him up. Furi pushed a wet finger inside, not stopping until his entire finger was in that cavity.

“Furious,” Syn yelled, rising up on his toes at the forceful entry. “Ah, fuck yes.”

Furious only pumped Syn’s ass a few times before he pushed the second finger in, hooking it to nudge Syn’s prostate. Syn was cursing in that growly timbre that made Furi want to test the man’s limits to see just how deep Syn’s voice could go.

“God, you’re so damn sexy. Shit. Ready to fuck you right now.”

“Yes.” Syn’s fist hit the wall hard and Furi knew he had to get inside him fast.

“Don’t move. Stay just like that.” Furi pulled his fingers out slowly, he barely heard the moaned, "Hurry up," from down the hall as he darted into the bedroom and got the lube and a condom.

Syn’s forehead rested against the wall, his chest heaving with each breath. His pants were at his ankles and his t-shirt was sweat dampened in the back. He looked gorgeous and ready to be fucked. Furi didn’t dare stroke his dick when he freed it from his jeans; it was ready to blow from seeing Syn completely submissive, waiting for him. Furi made quick work of the rubber and was just popping open the slick when Syn reached back burying his hand into Furi’s hair, pulling him in close.

“Not too much lube. I ... I want to feel you.” Syn’s voice was full of passion, rough with desire.

Furi was frozen for a few seconds before he was able to speak. “You’re a man after my own heart, Syn.” Furi dabbed some lube on the head of his dick and smoothed a thin layer down his shaft. He put a few more drops on his fingers and coated Syn’s rim, shoving some inside to slick his walls.

Syn growled and tugged on Furi’s hair.

“Need some lube, babe, or you won’t like how it feels when you walk tomorrow.” Furi let the bottle fall to the floor. Syn still had a nice hold on Furi’s hair, keeping him flush against his back. Furi rested his forehead on Syn’s broad shoulder as he lined his cock up to Syn’s tight bud and steadily pressed forward until he breached the guardian ring of muscles. Syn’s body vibrated against him, god, he was so responsive, like he’d been waiting for Furi his entire life.


