Fable of Happiness (Fable #3) Read Online Pepper Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Fable Series by Pepper Winters

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 134741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

“Oh, you’re in trouble, Kas. A new guest has a fetish for your sweet ass.”

I stumbled backward, bumping into the couch.

“Stop ignoring me!” the guy yelled.

“Strip, darling Kassen. Let’s see that pretty cock—”

“Where is my damn sister!”

I buckled over.

I tried to stop it.

I truly did.

“Bend over, pretty Kas. Spread those cheeks and let him stick his cock—”

I snarled.

“I always loved your ass. You were always the most reactive one whenever we’d play—”


“What the fuck is your problem?” he yelled. “You’re mumbling like a crazy person.” He crowded into me. Trapping me between his body and the couch. My mind hissed. Whiteness teased my already manic vision. His body language bristled with aggression. His hands fisted. His face twisted with hate. “Cat got your tongue, you weirdo?”

“Cat got your tongue, Kas? Come here, and I’ll show you where tongues belong—”

“You know I’m speaking to you, right?” The guy’s hand landed on my chest, pushing me.

And that was it.

I shoved him backward, leaped over the coffee table, grabbed him from behind, and hurt him before he could hurt me. Spinning him to face me, I pulled my arm back. My fist connected with his jaw as his yell tried to weasel past the whiteness inside my mind.

“Gemma! Gem!” He kept yelling as I punched him again, throwing him away from me with ease. He crashed against the wall before scrambling to his feet and throwing a vase at my face.

I spun to deflect.

The heavy porcelain landed between my shoulder blades, shoving me to my knees.

He took off with the sound of pounding feet. “Gem!”


He was running toward what was mine.

“He’ll hurt her, Kas. He’ll hurt her like Levin hurt you.”

I roared and ran after him.

“If he gets to her, he’ll break her, just like we broke you.”

I snarled and bounced off the walls, knocking a sunset print to the floor. The whiteness continued to blend my present and my past, tangling the human part of me that wanted to stop and the monster part of me that wanted to destroy everything.

My enemy got to the end of the corridor before I snatched his clothing and yanked him to a stop. In a single breath, I pinned him against the wall and jammed my arm against this throat. “Don’t. Fucking. Move.” My other hand pulled back, ready to slam into his nose.

A door opened to my right. A feminine shape appeared.

An unholy shout shattered my eardrums. “KAS! Let my brother go. RIGHT THE HELL NOW!”

The whiteness over my vision vanished.

Reality swept in.

I stumbled backward, landing against the other wall, breathing hard.

Ah, shit.


Raking my hands through my hair, I mumbled, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean. I tried to stop. I didn’t mean...” I looked up at Gemma, who stood with messy blond hair, cute gray pajamas, and wide, worried hazel eyes. “I was having a dream and—”

“Gem, who the hell is this?” her brother bit out.

My instincts roared to life again.

A snarl spilled from my lips, completely out of my control.

Gemma pointed a finger at both of us, her hands shaking with anger. “Joshua, not another word. Go into the living room. I’ll be right there. Kas, just stop it. Calm down and breathe.”

“I’m not leaving you with this madman,” Josh spluttered. “Are you crazy?”

“LEAVE!” she yelled. “Don’t make me ask again.”

Her brother’s eyebrows vanished into his hair before he grumbled something under his breath, glowered at me, and then trudged down the corridor. He stopped at the end. “I’m two seconds away from knocking you the fuck out, you bastard. Touch my sister inappropriately, and you’re a dead man.” He gave me one last glare before disappearing into the kitchen.

The moment he was gone, Gemma dropped her arms and hugged herself. She sighed heavily, her gaze pinning me to the spot. “Night terror?”

I shook my head, prepared to grovel for her forgiveness. “I woke and didn’t know where I was. The dream I’d been having was...violent. Your brother tried to comfort me, I think. But he touched me, and it set off a chain reaction I couldn’t stop.”

She nodded slowly. “But you’re aware now? You know what you did, and why you can’t do it again?”

I dared step toward her.

I waited for her to flinch or show any sign that she was afraid of me before wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight. Her scent filled my nose, her heat calmed my racing heart, and I was able to breathe properly for the first time since waking up. “I do. Christ, I’m so sorry. I’ll do whatever’s necessary to prove to your brother that I’m not a danger—to him or to you.”

The tension faded from her body. “Thank you.”

Sickness continued to rage in my blood.

Vertigo made the ground shift beneath my feet.

Fuck, what had I done?

“Tell me how to fix this,” I murmured into her hair. True terror noosed my heart. “Tell me I haven’t just ruined this before it’s already begun.”


