Fable of Happiness (Fable #3) Read Online Pepper Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Fable Series by Pepper Winters

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 134741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

“Sex between two people—as long as it’s consensual—is totally acceptable. Recorded, photographed, or drawn by an artist if that’s your thing.” She kissed me and let go of my rock-hard cock. “Don’t think you can’t ask for something if you need it, Kas.” Her eyes lingered on my erection tenting my jeans. “I love you, and I love being loved by you—in all capacities.”

I stepped into her, wrapping my arms around her waist. “Do you wish I took you softer? That I wasn’t so...forceful when we’re together?”

Her eyes crinkled as she smiled a coy little smile. “Want to know a secret?”

“Of course.” I fondled her breast, running my thumb over a pebbled nipple. “I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

She lowered her voice, leaning into me to whisper in my ear. “You taught me something in the valley.” Her lips brushed my neck, sending fire through my blood. “You taught me that I like rough. I love hard. So...don’t tame yourself on my account.” She kissed my throat, the hint of her teeth making me shudder. “Never hold back when you’re with me.”

I grabbed her chin and tilted her head up.

Smashing my mouth to hers, we both groaned and pawed each other.

My legs threatened to buckle, to pull her down onto the grass and fuck her on her knees, audience up on the cliff be damned.

I was so fucking close to coming just from her confession.

Her tongue sought mine, tangling in a rough, wet dance that made my heart rate explode. “Gem.... Tell me there’s a forest nearby where I can get you naked—”

A piercing ring shredded the sexual tension between us.

I jumped, my mind scrambling with the past. Whispers tried to creep over me. Memories that only brought darkness. Breathing hard, I forced myself to focus and stay present.

The noise was just her phone. I’d heard it before. Nothing bad, nothing dangerous.

Gem gave me a guilty smile as she pulled away. “Hold that thought for a second.” Bending to grab her phone from the gear scattered by our feet, she scowled at the number. “That’s strange.”

Instantly, my hackles went up, sensing a threat. “What? What’s strange?”

“It’s my rep at YouTube.”

I frowned. “And that’s a bad thing?”

Gemma held up her finger and pressed a button on her phone. Holding it to her ear, she said, “Hello, Gemma speaking.”

I stood close enough to hear a scrambled voice reply but not close enough to understand.

Gem paced away a little, nodding. “Oh, wow, that’s very nice of you.”

More silence as whoever she spoke to continued.

“Next weekend? Um, I mean....I’m sure he’d be very honored but—”

She listened as the other side of the conversation added more.

“Okay, sure. I’ll ask him. But you’re right. That does sound like a great idea. Thanks.”

More silence followed before she said, “Okay. Send me the details via email, and I’ll be in touch. Thanks again.”

She hung up and spun to me.

I spread my hands. “Everything okay?”

Tucking her phone into her leggings pocket, she studied me. Too intently. Too closely.

My headache increased as fear siphoned through my blood. “What? What is it?”

“That was my YouTube rep.”

“You already said that. And they’re what exactly? Technically your boss?”

“No, a rep is someone who works with high earners. They’re just a good point of contact in case anything goes wrong.”

“Okay, so...what’s wrong?” My head ached again, trying to figure out yet more complicated stuff in this complicated world.

“Nothing’s wrong. In fact, they want to host a dinner.”

“A dinner?”

She shrugged. “Actually, it’s more like a black-tie gala. In your honor.”

“What?” My forehead furrowed.

“They’re doing a showcase on survivors of sexual abuse. They’ve noticed that more and more people are being open about past hardships and trauma on the YouTube network and want to highlight certain channels where others can seek help, find others like them, and generally start a community.”

“That doesn’t explain how they know about me.”

“Apparently, they saw your appearance in my video when we first returned from the valley. People are beyond intrigued about your story, Kas. The comments on my last video were asking all about you—you have buzz. Couple that with the news report that the police shared—that you’re a missing person come back to life, that you were trapped for most of your childhood and forced to endure years of abuse—along with the intrigue of not knowing who you truly are?” Gem shrugged. “You’re clickbait, I guess. They want to help.”



“Help how?” Goosebumps shot down my arms.

“They want to host a charity gala, to gather donations and put it toward the rehabilitation of other trafficked minors who make it out of such horrors. Right now, there are no services for people who were stolen so young. Who don’t have an education or home to return to. They mentioned a potential documentary if this initiative takes off, but for now, they just want other YouTubers to find safe places online. To know they’re not alone. To try to give them back their lives.”


