Feels Like Home Read online Kelly Elliott (Southern Bride #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Southern Bride Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102339 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 512(@200wpm)___ 409(@250wpm)___ 341(@300wpm)

“Gossip email?” I asked as Mindy turned back to grab both her purse and the one I was assuming was Bristol’s.

With a smirk, she nodded. “Yes. There’s a group of ladies who like to send out a daily email about what’s happening in town. Every now and then they’ll throw in a recipe and even some actual events. But it’s mostly gossip. You were in it just yesterday. There was actually a poll asking if the townsfolk should be proud you’re from Comfort or embarrassed.”

“Ouch,” I said as I placed my hand over my wounded heart.

She shook her head. “I’m sure they’re going to love having you back home.”

I winked at her.

She laughed. “I’m serious, Anson. You’re not in Nashville anymore. Folks around here haven’t forgotten how you up and left both Bristol and your folks behind. You know how it is here. They tend not to forgive or forget easily.”

She looked around and then leaned in and added, “I totally love your latest single. ‘Missing You.’” She placed her hand on her heart and sighed. Then she gave me a serious look. “I will deny I said that if you tell anyone.”

With a wink of her own, she turned on her heels and walked off. The other girl who had been sitting with them walked over to me and whispered, “I love your music!”

“Why are you whispering?”

She glanced around and shrugged. “Not many folks around here admit to liking you, so…”

“Huh. Well, thank you for being a fan.”

She blushed.

“Anna! Come on!” Mindy shouted back over her shoulder.

“Bye, y’all!” Anna said as she quickly went off to catch up with Mindy.

Lanny sighed. “I’m going to safely assume you’re not getting that street dance to welcome you home. And there’s probably a shortage of tomatoes at the local grocery store right about now.”


“THAT IS YOUR grandparents’ house?” Lanny asked as we drove by the Victorian. I turned at the corner and then pulled up to the gate that led to the back of the house.

“Yep. It’s been in our family since 1895.”

“Wow. I don’t even have words right now. It’s beautiful.”

After I parked the rental, I got out and walked over to the passenger side. Lanny got out and then turned in a circle as she took it all in.

“It’s like a music venue. Look at that pool. Look at the deck! Look at the outdoor kitchen! We could have a small concert here.”

I laughed and took her by the elbow. “Come on, I want to take you in through the front door. You need the full experience.”

We walked along the gravel path to the front of the house. Usually I was on the lookout for people pulling out their phones or cameras to snap pictures. But this was Comfort. The fact that Robert had made an announcement last night that I was heading to a remote island in the South Pacific to get some much-needed rest would have thrown anyone off. The last place people would look for me right now was in my hometown.

As we walked up the steps, the door flew open and Grams walked out.

“Anson! Anson! You’re finally home!”

She ran to me, and I wrapped my arms around her. “Hey, Grams. It’s good to be home.”

Her hold on me was tight, so I gave her a little squeeze. Then she let go and stood back to give me a once-over.

Slowly, she shook her head and then looked up at me. “If I thought I could take you over my knee I would, young man. What in the hell have you been thinking?”

“I like the women in this town,” Lanny whispered next to me.

Grams turned and looked at Lanny.

“Lanny! Sweetheart, how have you been?” she wrapped Lanny up in a hug, which totally caught my assistant off guard. She’d met Grams plenty of times in Nashville, but it had always been so formal. Grams was in her element here, and had no problems telling you how it was—no matter what it was.

“I’ve been fine, thank you. How have you and Irwin been?” Lanny asked.

“Good! Good! Although the rumors have been runnin’ rampant no thanks to this one.” Grams shot me a dirty look, and I shrugged.

My grandmother motioned toward the door. “Come in! Come in!”

When we stepped inside, Lanny let out an audible gasp. “This is stunning!”

The foyer of my grandparents’ house was indeed stunning. The wooden banister alone was enough to leave you in awe. The pocket doors to the four main rooms on the first level were all open.

“A quick tour of the house!” Grams said as she wrapped her arm around Lanny’s.

“There’s a small half bath under the staircase here. Then in here, this is the family room. Through here is the dining room, which leads to the kitchen.”

I followed the two women as I looked around. I hadn’t been home in over a year. And when I did come back, it was usually only for two days at the most.


