Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

I understand it. I do not like it, but I understand it. His thoughts grow heavy with resignation. Talk to me, then. Keep me company if you cannot come to my side.

I will, I vow to him. This is only temporary. I have my lockpicks and I know I can get that collar off you. We can probably get the other cuffs off, too, given enough time. I’ll have to check your vest to see what kind of fastenings it has. The trick will be getting that stuff off you while the others aren’t paying attention. Azar drugged my friend Sasha’s food. I wonder if I can get ahold of the same stuff and knock out the camp? That would work. I’m both excited and terrified at the thought. If they catch me, I’m dead.

Then again, if I run away with Zohr and they catch me, I’m dead anyhow. Dead woman walking, any way I look at it. I might as well try to save a dragon.

I will not let anything happen to you, he promises me. You are mine to protect.

Which is tricky, considering he’s locked up. I slide my jeans off, re-hide my lockpicks, and then crawl back into bed.

That is the worst part of my captivity—knowing that my mate is unsafe while I am held down.

Well, look at the bright side of things, I tell him as I fluff my pillow. At least you got a mate out of this.

His thoughts are silent for a long moment. You…have a unique way of looking at things, my Emma. I did not think of that, but you are right. It helps my resentment a little.

I smile into the darkness of my room. Glad I could be of service. I learned a long time ago that if you dwell on the bad stuff, it’ll bring you down. Focus on the positive and control what you can.

Right now the only thing in my control is our mind-link. His frustration seeps over to my thoughts.

Then focus on it, I tell him cheerily. Focus on me.

You are my world already. How can I focus on you more?

“Try,” I mutter aloud so he doesn’t hear me.

Astonishment blooms in my mind, and then laughter. You are frustrated with me? Because I do not try? He sounds amused.

Me? I’m embarrassed to get caught. How did you hear that?

I can hear your spoken words. I can see what you see, feel what you feel. Our minds are connected. It is the sharing of spirits. Do you not see through my eyes?

Do I? I close my eyes and mentally try to squint, but the only thing I get is a scattershot of images, and those feel more like thoughts than actual sights. “I’m not sure that I am.”

Maybe the link is not as strong with a human. He sounds troubled. Or perhaps because you rejected my seed—

I gasp aloud. “Bullshit! I didn’t reject anything. I told you I was in a hurry!”

For a drakoni, the greatest insult is to reject one’s seed.

Well, it wasn’t a rejection! I almost tell him that next time he can come inside me, but then I stop myself, because I don’t know that there will be a next time.

Oh, there will be. His thoughts are a sultry purr. You are my mate. I intend on claiming every bit of you. Next time, you will not straddle me when we mate. I will be the one on top and I will mount you properly.

And even though I should be outraged or annoyed at his high-handedness and the fact that he’s plucking thoughts I don’t want to share, I’m a little turned on by his words. He sends a visual to me of his golden body over mine, his chest pressed to my back as he covers me and fucks me from behind.

I had no idea that the mind-link between us would be this…intimate. Sasha had said it was a link via mating, but I never thought…

Whew. Clearly I did not think this one through. I bite my lip, my breath coming quick, and I feel a flush moving through my body. Zohr, we’re strangers. I need to get to know you better before I think about having sex with you again.

Lies. I can tell in your thoughts that you like the images I send you. His tone is sexy, entreating, as if he’s going to seduce me with words alone. If I cannot touch your body, I can at least touch your mind, can I not?

I should tell him no, but it seems like such a small thing. And we’re already bonded, right? Right. So it shouldn’t matter.

Just like it shouldn’t matter that my hand is stealing between my thighs, sliding under my panties.

You touch yourself? The growl that permeates my mind is delicious. Is it because you dislike our mental bond so much?


