Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

“I don’t know. Quieter?” Emma smiles to herself, even as she reaches out to run her fingers through my hair. “I didn’t realize we’d be inside each other’s heads all day every day. I guess I didn’t think it through very well at all.”

Her words give me pause. Do you regret your choice?

“No,” she whispers. “I’m really glad. It’s like…I found my best friend.” She gazes at me with such intense emotion. “I love you, Zohr. I’m just…scared this will all backfire and we’re going to lose each other.”

I will not allow that to happen, I promise her. I will die before I let anyone take her from me. But it is clear she needs reassurance, my mate. I lean closer, my face toward hers, and give her a gentle kiss. She puts her hands on my jaw and holds me, deepening the kiss and giving me all the urgency she feels.

It is time for more than kisses, though. I pull my mouth from hers and bury my face against her neck. With one hand, I cup her breast and caress the nipple the way she likes. She whimpers and leans into my touch, her hand locking in my hair.

“Zohr,” she breathes, and it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard.

My mate, let me touch you. Let me give you pleasure. I can tell that she finds my mouth against her neck ticklish, so I lick at her soft skin even as I rub her nipple with the pad of my thumb. She pants, and then sends me a mental image of my mouth on her breasts.

I love the thought—more than that, I love that she is sending me suggestions, telling me what she wants. I move lower along her body, kissing and licking as I do, and when I reach her breast, she arches, pushing her nipple toward my mouth. I give in to her silent request and lap at the peak with my tongue, and she moans loudly and clings to me as if she will lose all control if she lets go.

I tease and tongue her nipple, toying with the stiff little bud of it, enjoying her soft cries. The noises she makes when I touch her are some of my greatest pleasures. My hand rests on her belly and she shifts her hips under me, clearly wanting more. The scent of her musk, of her arousal, roars through my senses, and I want to taste her. I dip my claws gently between the folds of her soft cunt and stroke, covering my hand with the evidence of her desire. Then I raise it to my mouth and suck her juices off of my fingers, drinking her in.

She moans again, writhing under me. My name is on her lips, panted between breaths, and I love how excited—and how chaotic—her mind is with passion. She loses control when I touch her, and her excitement matches my own. There is nothing that brings me more pleasure than touching her body and watching her responses. It makes me want to do more, to give her more touches that will make her go wild. Tell me where you want me to touch you, I demand.

Her mind immediately flashes full of visual images, of my hand between her thighs and stroking the nub she calls a clit. Of me sinking a finger inside her and caressing her from within.

I pause, because my claws will surely get in the way. I do not like the thought of hurting her, but I cannot touch her the way she wants with them. With my people, it is a sign of shame if a drakoni’s claws are removed…

But I am not in my homeland anymore. I am here, with my mate, who is human and different. She wants different things.

I remember her eagerness to touch me, to have me spill in her mouth. She did not understand why I found it shameful. Perhaps it is time I stop thinking like a drakoni and instead think like my Emma’s mate. She is my world, so why not ensure that everything I do is for her?

I raise one forefinger to my mouth and snap the tip of my claw off with my teeth. I spit it aside and examine my finger. The nail is blunted and short like hers, harmless. Weak.

“What are you doing?” she breathes, watching me with curious eyes.

I am pleasing my mate, I tell her, and lean in to kiss her. Even as I do, I slide my finger—now free of its claw—between the wet folds of her cunt and drag it against her clit.

She gasps, arching against me. I can feel the flare of intense need as it spikes through her. She likes that—and it pleases me that I can bring her such great pleasure. I want to do more.


