Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

“That’s so amazing! I’m so proud of you!” All those hours of work and bottles of lotion have been worth it. I’m filled with joy. He’s so strong, such a fighter. I’m so happy for him. “Such a swift recovery, babe. I don’t want you to overdo it, though.”

My wings ache right now, he admits. But it is a good ache, and it is all I will do today. Tomorrow I will go a little farther. The dragon preens, rubbing his head against one shoulder, and then lowers his head to gaze at me with whirling golden eyes. Did I surprise you?

I snort. “Surprise is not the word. I nearly had to change my underpants.”

Bah. Lies. You do not wear underpants.

“You would know,” I tell him saucily, twirling a lock of my hair. It’s easy to be flirty with him now that we’ve got a few weeks of being comfortable with each other—and a few weeks of really great sex—under our belts. The more we get to know each other, the more I feel like he’s the perfect one for me. He’s got that same mix of dark humor and practicality that I do. He kisses like a fiend, feeds me and pampers me like nothing else in the world exists, and he never pushes me to give him more than I can. I’m pretty convinced he’s the world’s most perfect being. I’m glad we found each other, even if the shittiest circumstances ever had to happen first.

Sometimes I almost feel disloyal to the human race for thinking such a thing. But I think if most people had a Zohr in their lives, they’d understand.

He just flares his nostrils and tilts his big, car-sized head from side to side as if he’s proud of himself. He should be. I’m practically bursting with how proud I am of him, too.

“So what kind of reward does a dragon get for making such progress?” I tease, playfully biting my lip and giving him my most sultry look.

Whatever he wants, Zohr tells me, and his big, golden body seems to bunch up, muscles tensing. Then in a flash, the dragon’s gone and my naked, gorgeous golden man is walking toward me, his long hair fluttering in the wind, a catlike smile on his handsome features. He’s giving me the most possessive, delicious look, and it makes me shiver with anticipation. He moves to my side and pulls me against him—

And pauses, cocking his head and gazing up at the sky.

What is it? I ask, afraid to speak aloud.

Another dragon, he tells me. Distant. Female.

Trying to connect? Now I’m worried. I don’t trust Azar or his crew, and it’s been days and days since we’ve seen—or heard—a motorcycle anywhere. They’re quiet, and quiet with a group of rowdy men is always bad. I feel uneasy.

No. She is not interested in my presence at all. There is nothing there, no response to my warnings, nothing.

I turn and scan the skies, and Zohr points at a distant smudge. Sure enough, there’s a dragon. It flits back and forth and then disappears into the distance. “Do you know where they’re going?” I ask him.

No. Do you want me to try to reach out to her and see?

I shake my head. That’s the last thing I want. We’re safe for now, even if not knowing what’s going on is troubling. “What do we do?” I ask him. “I don’t like this. I don’t know what to think.”

He puts a hand on my shoulder. It’s warm, comforting. It’s another wonderful thing I never realized I missed about being with someone—that they can reassure you with a simple touch and make your worries seem less urgent. We go on as we always have. We remain cautious and watchful. I will work on my wings, and when they are fully healed and it will not be dangerous for me to have you on my back, we will fly far away from here and from Azar.

I nod, touching his hand with my own. We keep on keeping on. I guess that’s all we can do. I hate feeling so powerless, though. I don’t like waiting for my enemy to strike. I’d rather be the one to strike.

I, as well, but I will not risk you. His mouth brushes against my ear. I do not like that he tortures my people, but I do not even know if they are my people anymore. There is no one there in that body. No one to connect to. I remember nothing of the long years I was wild. It is nothing but a blur, a bad dream. I did not remember who or what I was until I scented you upon the air. If there is a small comfort, know that they are not aware of what is happening.


