Full Domain Read Online Kindle Alexander (Nice Guys #3)

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nice Guys Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 147789 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 739(@200wpm)___ 591(@250wpm)___ 493(@300wpm)

“But is it enough to sustain a startup?” Mitch’s brow lifted, clearly thinking through the possibilities.

Kreed wanted to drop a line like, “Don’t think too hard, it might hurt,” but decided to hold off until he got the verbal confirmation he needed.

“I haven’t put pen to paper, but we can start small, invest back into ourselves for a while. However that process works. Neither of us needs a lot to live on,” Kreed suggested.

“I want in,” Aaron spoke up. Up until then, Aaron and Cody hadn’t uttered a single word; they’d both sat there listening intently, but stayed out of the conversation. Everyone’s attention shifted to Aaron.

“What?” Kreed asked, totally taken aback by Aaron’s comment.

“You want in how?” Mitch asked before Kreed had the chance. Everyone in the room sat up a little straighter, waiting on the answer.

“I know you haven’t ironed anything out, but there’s no bigger risk to corporate security than what I do and I promise I’ve never met anyone better than me at finding holes in systems,” Aaron said. Kreed schooled his features, hid the smirk, and turned back to Mitch. Okay, that had been unexpected.

“I don’t know that we’d have a salary for you—” Mitch started.

Aaron cut him off with a wave of his hand. “Money’s not a problem. I could keep us floating for a long time.”

Kreed swiveled his head back toward Aaron. He’d pretty much equated Stuart to a cyber Robin Hood, but nowhere in that thought had he ever believed Aaron had taken a financial gain while working with Protector, yet Aaron sounded confident and sincere in his offer. The gesture caused his heart to do a little flip at the generosity. The kid was such a sweetheart to offer, but he doubted Aaron had saved up a whole lot with the peanuts the government paid.

Then again, the thousand dollars on earbuds came to mind. Yeah, the kid didn’t save well at all. There was silence as all eyes rested on Aaron. Kreed was the first to bite, just to get the question out of the way. “How could you do that?”

Aaron’s blue gaze landed on Kreed, and there was a little bit of panic in them. “Don’t be mad.”

Okay, with his guy, that could mean anything. He took a deep breath, re-centered himself, and focused on Aaron. That wasn’t the best possible way to start an explanation, so Kreed asked the first thought that came to mind. “Should I hear this in private?”

“We can leave,” Cody started to say and immediately pushed away from the table to stand. Mitch didn’t follow. For the first time that day, he looked eager and completely engaged in the conversation. The Mitch he knew and loved was back, ready to hear this bombshell and no doubt unwilling to leave the room until he did. His buddy kicked back in his chair and anchored his boots on the table.

“Nah, babe, we’re good. What Aaron has to say to Kreed, he can say in front of me,” Mitch stated matter-of-factly.

“I think that only works if I’m the one saying that.” Kreed scowled at his long-time partner who appeared to be back to his old self for the most part. Kreed cocked his head toward the door, staring at Mitch. “Go.”

“No, really, I’m good. Keep going.”

“Come on,” Cody urged, knocking Mitch’s feet off the table and tugging him by his T-shirt. Mitch finally got up and followed, but left the door cracked. How his partner could shift moods so quickly always amazed him. Kreed sighed, stood to close the door, but the door slammed shut a little harder than necessary before he moved from the table. Cody must have beat him to it.

Aaron turned completely in his chair, scooting closer to Kreed as he took his seat again. He watched the look on Aaron’s face as he lifted his head and their eyes met. Kreed didn’t make any sudden movements and didn’t say a word. He could tell this one secret was a doozy and wondered how many more times in their lives he’d have this same moment. The breath he hadn’t known he held slipped free. He’d been warned there was more to come with smart boy, but didn’t anticipate that to happen right in the middle of his and Mitch’s life-changing discussion. This felt like having the rug pulled out from under him twice in a matter of seventy-two hours. He braced himself as Aaron started to speak.

“My real name’s not Aaron Stuart, even though it’s been that for the last ten or so years,” Aaron started.

“Okay, what’s your name?” Kreed interrupted his story but tried to hide the anxiety of that question and swiped at the small amount of dust on the table. He wasn’t sure he could look Aaron in his eyes at the moment. There were so many emotions swimming around in his head.

“Don’t judge me, all right?” Aaron took a deep breath before he spoke.

“Just tell me, please,” Kreed shot back.

“My name’s Aaron Drake.”

Kreed’s head lifted toward Aaron, who looked almost apologetic at the confession. That admission sat there between them as though the name was supposed to mean something to Kreed, but he had no clue why that name might matter. When seconds passed with him evidently not responding appropriately, Aaron squinted his eyes and stared at him even harder as if trying to relay some sort of a hidden meaning with his gaze.

Oh shit.

Everything clicked in place and almost knocked the breath out of him. No fucking way! It couldn’t be, could it? “Drake. Like the Drakes who own the whole fucking world? Those Drakes?”

Aaron nodded slowly. The longer Kreed stayed quiet, the more worried Aaron’s expression became. The kid fidgeted nervously with his hands, picking at his nails, and honestly, Aaron should have some anxiety over that revelation. One of the wealthiest families in the world, the same ones who’d had their hands in real estate, finance, refineries, pipelines, chemical plants, and retail, who’d shaped politics and owned pretty much the entire world for centuries… Kreed exhaled deeply, yet another breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. This was a game-changer.


