Gage Read online Jordan Silver (Men of Honor #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Men of Honor Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 50449 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 252(@200wpm)___ 202(@250wpm)___ 168(@300wpm)

I don’t think I’d ever had as sinister a thought as I started having once we landed and drove up to her place. Until that moment I’d been willing to accept my lot in life. But once seeing how well my great aunt had done for herself there was no turning back.

How I got to where I am today is of no real importance but suffice it to say that within two years I’d morphed into the person I am today, or I’d started on my way.

Gone was the dull shit brown hair that I’d inherited from daddy, a very expensive dermatologist had taken care of the acne scars and one of the best, the man who took care of such things for the rich and famous, had given me the new body I now saw before me.

The fact that aunt Marsha and her dear husband had met their end a little sooner than they’d expected in order for me to afford such things was neither here nor there. She’d already lived a life more extravagant than I’m sure even she had ever dreamed of for the past thirty years with the man who’d doted on her all those years; it was my turn.

Had my uncle Joe been less immune to my paltry attempts at seduction things might have turned out different. I just wanted a taste of the good life after all and besides, aunt Marsha was no saint.

Instead of paying my way through a well established Ivy League school like the one she’d attended, she had no qualms about sticking me in community college so that I could return home every evening to take care of her and do her bidding.

She hadn’t been mean or anything, but I’d expected more. By then she’d told her husband the truth long ago about the little bit of family she’d left behind. And once I realized that moving me into her mansion and keeping me as little more than a pet so she could tell her high society friends what a great person she was for taking me in like a stray was the extent of her goodwill, something inside me started to change.

I hadn’t acted right away. I’d bided my time and planned out my escape. Everything I achieved since then was well worth it and I see it as my due. She had no children anyway and aside from momma I was the only living relative she had left. Uncle Joe too had no one but a few distant cousins that he couldn’t be bothered with, something I’d ascertained my first few months in their home.

I’d taken the money, which hadn’t turned out to be as much as I’d expected, sold what I could and started on my way to my new life. It had paid off in the end, garnering me a wealthy husband who’d been so blinded by my new looks that he’d not asked any questions about my background or where I came from.

I’d paid my dues there as well, giving myself to the old geriatric letch even though it had made my skin crawl to even look at him. I’d learned the power of the pussy when I lost my virginity to the doctor who did my implants for a reduction in price.

By then I’d already had my hair and face taken care of and thanks to aunt Marsha and her friends had learned the correct way to comport myself in polite society. By the time I met the old man not only had my outward appearance gone through a monumental change, but I was almost a completely different person on the inside as well. I doubt even momma would be able to recognize me now.

I’d been skilled enough to get the old man to wed me without a prenup which was now driving his kids nuts since I’d got them written out of the will and there was nothing they could do about it. But that was neither here nor there. I was glad to be rid of him because I wanted out of this place. Another one horse town though not as backward as the place where I was born.

But that was before I met Gage. He’s the first man I ever genuinely loved, something I didn’t think myself still capable of. One look and I was a goner. I’d done my research once I got home from that first meeting and found out all I could about him.

It didn’t matter to me that he was already married, that wife of his was no match for me. I’d made it a point to follow her around and even though she was pretty enough, she was no match for my new trimmed and tucked beauty.

I’d paid for it sure whereas she’d been born with hers, but she can’t buy sex appeal and as from what I saw after that first week of following her around she was sorely lacking in that department.


