Get You Some Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Simple Man #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Simple Man Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 70444 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 352(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

I bit my lip and tried not to moan—a force of habit seeing as usually, Amanda was right in the next room when we did this.

Today, though…thank God, she wasn’t here.

Because when he tugged the hem of my shorts up and ran his lips along the soft, sensitive skin of my inner thigh—I lost the battle with my voice.

I gasped and moaned, panted and squirmed.

All while his tongue trailed over my skin, getting closer to the part of my leg where my panties were stopping him from getting to the vital bits.

His hands were just as busy as his tongue.

While he was licking, he shoved my shirt up and stretched one strong hand up to burrow under my bra. His big mitt was now cupping my breast, engulfing it in his rough palm.

I wanted nothing more than to bury my hands in his hair, to guide his face to where I really wanted it to be, but I was scared that if I did, he’d come to his senses and stop what he was doing.

I didn’t want him to come to his senses. I wanted him to ravish me. I wanted him to be who he was, not what he thought that I needed him to be.

I wanted him rough between my legs. I wanted him to flip me over and fuck me from behind.

I didn’t want Gentle Johnny. I wanted Wild Johnny. The man who wouldn’t hesitate when it came to fucking his woman.

And I was that—his woman.

He should be able to do whatever the hell he wanted to do to me.

“Please,” I breathed, unable to keep my pleading in any longer.

He chuckled, then dropped to his knees beside the couch.

He didn’t go far, but what he did do was position me so that one of my legs was thrown over the arm of the couch, and the other was stretched out along the cushions. The new position gave him full access to me—or would have if I didn’t still have my pants on, that was.

But he solved that little problem by yanking both my panties and my shorts to the side and starting to lick.

The first swipe of his tongue from my clit to the entrance of my pussy sent a delicious shiver straight down my spine.

I swallowed convulsively as I tried hard not to squirm my way off of the couch.

“Stay still or I’ll stop,” he ordered.

I nearly cried out in frustration, but then he went back to licking, focusing this time on my clit.

He didn’t actually touch it with his tongue at first, just drew circles around it with the very tip, driving me insane while also driving me higher and higher to something I’d only ever felt with him.

He started to hum, making my eyes close, and my hands clench into fists.

He was enjoying this.

I knew he was.

I growled low in my throat and would’ve bucked my hips, but his hand came down flat on my belly, pushing me down as he’d anticipated my frustration.

“Uh-uh,” he said against my pussy.

I cried out in frustration, needing something. His fingers. His cock. His mouth. All of them at once.

Yet I got only one of those things and it wasn’t even close to being enough.

He was teasing me, and he knew that I was frustrated, but the damn man only continued.

He continued like that for long, unbearable, maddening minutes until suddenly, he latched those perfect lips of his onto my clit and sucked deeply.

I went off like a bottle rocket—shooting hard and fast straight into the stratosphere.

I was panting, unsure of what had just occurred, when he started to laugh and stood up.

I swallowed hard when he pushed his pants down off his hips—unaware that at some time during his teasing that he’d freed his cock from the confines of his jeans.

I licked my lips and stared at him, alternating between giving him my eyes and discretely eyeing his cock.

He laughed at my inability to stay focused, and then kicked his feet free of his pants and bent down.

His hands went to my shorts and he gave a swift yank, tugging them free of my legs and tossing them over the couch.

I heard them fall to the floor behind it, and I knew that I’d forget all about them until we moved the couch to clean under it in a few weeks.

I started to squirm, and he grinned.

“Never one to sit still, are you?” he teased.

I shook my head.

I wasn’t. Nope.

Even at work, I had to sit on the edge of my seat and drum my fingers and feet on the nearest hard surface.

He watched me so long that I wondered if there was something wrong, and then he said, “Take off your shirt and your bra.”

It was an order. One I obeyed almost immediately.

My small, perky tits were flushed due to the arousal sparking through my body. My nipples were peaked and hard, a dusky reddish brown.


