Highlander of My Heart Read online Donna Fletcher (Macardle Sisters of Courage #1)

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Macardle Sisters of Courage Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 111362 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 557(@200wpm)___ 445(@250wpm)___ 371(@300wpm)

“Is my father ill or is it the poison that has made him ill?” Ruddock asked, looking to each of the healers.

“I cannot say since I have never tended, Lord Finn,” Sage said.

“I am not sure,” Wilda admitted.

“Poisoned or ill, Lord Finn suffers and needs relief from the pain,” Erland argued.

“Neither healer will tend my father,” Ruddock announced to the shock of everyone.

Erland spoke up, anger in his words and worry in his eyes. “But Lord Finn requires a healer to help him.”

“I will see that my father gets what he needs,” Ruddock said, making it clear he would hear no more.

“Or will you see he gets what you think he deserves?” Erland accused.

Hugh stepped forward, having entered the room with Ruddock. “Watch your tongue, Erland.”

“Why? Will he cut it out like he had done to Lander? How do you defend and serve such a monster?” Erland asked with disdain.

Sorrell stepped forward, shaking her finger at Erland as she walked over to him. “Don’t you ever call my husband a monster again.” She jabbed Erland in the chest. “Ruddock is a good man and you above all, the man who has counseled Lord Finn through the years, should know that Ruddock is a good man because he was taught by a good man.” She jabbed him in the chest again. “So don’t ever, ever speak disrespectfully to my husband again or you will know my wrath.”

“I’d pay her heed,” Hugh advised with a smile. “From what I’ve heard, Lady Sorrell is a force to be reckoned with.”

Erland turned a troubled glance on Ruddock. “Lord Finn is who I serve and who I protect and I will make no apology for it.”

“Then you serve my father well,” Ruddock said, “but I decide what is best for him now.”

Erland turned to pleading. “He needs a healer, my lord.”

“And he shall have one,” Ruddock said.

“Which one?” Erland asked, glancing from Wilda to Sage.

“Neither.” Ruddock raised his hand to prevent Erland from speaking. “Enough, go see to my father and you will be informed about the healer who will tend him.”

Erland left, his annoyance obvious the way he marched out of the room.

“I will take my leave, my lord,” Sage said with a gentle smile and a bob of her head. “If you have need of me, I’d be only too glad to help.”

Ruddock gave her a brief nod.

“Lord Finn will not be pleased with your decision. He wants me as his healer,” Wilda said, as soon as Sage left. “It is imperative that I am able to tend him.”

“Why?” Ruddock asked. “Another healer can do as you do.”

“Only a knowledgeable healer,” Wilda argued.

“Isn’t Sage a knowledgeable healer?” Ruddock asked.

“I know only that she is skilled at birthing bairns. That does not make her a healer. Therefore, I would not chance her tending Lord Finn.”

“You fight hard to tend my father and to keep him safe,” Ruddock said. “Or is it you fight hard to do him harm?”

“You should ask yourself who is the one who has suffered the most from all of this,” Wilda said and walked out of the room.

Hugh shook his head. “I don’t know if I’d trust either healer.”

“The reason I have a healer, I trust completely, arriving soon,” Ruddock said. “Now go and make sure the two healers keep their distance from each other.”

Hugh gave a nod to Ruddock and another nod to Hollis to follow him out, closing the door behind them.

Sorrell went to her husband, slipping her arms as far around her husband’s waist as they would reach. “I have questions for you.”

“Why is that not a surprise?” Ruddock chuckled, his arms going around his wife.

She grinned. “It is nice to have a husband who knows his wife well. Now how will you keep Wilda from tending your da when he insists that she be the one to tend him?”

“When he learns that she may be poisoning him, he might think differently.”

“Or he may be stubborn like his son and refuse to believe it.”

“My word will be final.”

“I imagine your da thinks the same,” Sorrell said and laid her finger to his lips when he went to respond. “You had to have sent for another healer before meeting Sage. Did you have doubts about Sage’s healing skills that had you send for another healer? And if so, where did those doubts come from? Or is it Wilda’s skills you doubt?”

Ruddock kissed her gently. “I can think of better things for us to do than talk.”

“I have no doubt you can, but we won’t be doing any of that until I have some answers,” Sorrell warned him.

“I could prove you wrong,” Ruddock challenged, his hand drifting down over her backside and giving it a squeeze.

Sorrell shut her eyes a minute, fighting the images that came rushing to mind, her husband was naked in every one of them as was she.


