His Captive Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 50
Estimated words: 47086 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 235(@200wpm)___ 188(@250wpm)___ 157(@300wpm)

I flipped off the comforter and tripped over to the window, pulling the gauzy curtain back to look outside. And what I saw made my breath catch painfully, the bile rising in my throat. Because it was Ann-Marie. That’s right, my baby sister was here, perfectly made up even at eight a.m., that golden-red hair like a lion’s mane, blue eyes sparkling as she laughed.

“Hello Robert!” she cried out joyfully, waving from the car. “Hello!”

Because my man was downstairs, that huge form hulking, powerful and masculine as he strode towards Ann-Marie. For sure, he was going to run her off his property right? She was an intruder, she didn’t belong here!

But instead, Robert was mesmerized, already under her spell. He stepped towards the car, leaning down to kiss Ann-Marie on the cheek, but my sister is cagey. Instead of a perfunctory peck, she moved her mouth at the last minute so their lips locked, sensual and passionate. And Robert didn’t turn away either. He growled low in that throat, big hands coming up to rest gently on her hips.

I literally sat down on the floor then with a hard thunk, losing my balance. Oh my god, was this really happening? My mind couldn’t compute. I’d literally just serviced this man last night, taken his dick deep inside, let him pump me full of semen. In fact, that creamy jism was leaking out of me right now, the bubbly faintly warm and viscous, escaping from my secret spot.

So how could this be happening? My head spun and I leaned forwards, trying to get some air. No! my brain screamed. No no no! This has to be a mistake.

But from the giggles outside, followed by Ann-Marie’s trilling voice, there was no mistake whatsoever. My sister was flirting with my lover like there was no tomorrow, and the low rumble from Robert proved that he was eating it up, drawn into her devious plan.

No! my brain screamed again. Oh god, no! Not the only man in the world I’ve ever loved! Don’t take him, leave me with something.

But it was too late because the front door banged and Robert’s voice rang up the stairs.

“Anna,” he rumbled, a muffled female laugh mixing with that deep, masculine tone. “Your sister’s here.”

Oh god, this was my worst nightmare. Ann-Marie must have no idea what we were up to right? And mind spinning furiously, I rushed into some clothes, pulling on whatever was around. My curls sprang out tangled and wild, my face was pale as a sheet. But I was going to face this with as much dignity as possible, I was going to walk out of this with my head held high, knowing I’d done nothing wrong.

So descending the staircase like a queen, I faced my lover and my sister. Immediately, my heart sank. They looked perfect together. Ann-Marie was so lithe and supple next to to Robert’s imposing frame, her light hair and features the perfect foil to his male darkness. Oh god. This was the Twilight Zone come to life, Ken and Barbie fitting together perfectly, me Humpty Dumpty next to them.

What had I been thinking? I’d gotten carried away with the work, with the easy camaraderie, the intense looks Robert shot me sometimes. But it’d been nothing but my imagination. I was nothing to him but a body to fuck, a way to get off, and the proof was in the pudding, right here right now.

But Cleopatra went to her death with her head held high, and I was determined to do the same. So nodding frigidly at Robert, I smiled, forcing my lips to bend.

“Ann-Marie,” I said, voice expressionless. “What brings you here?”

“Well you, of course! And Robert,” she added before dissolving into giggles. “We were so worried after you disappeared, but then Chance told me that his brother hired you to be his secretary. Imagine that! Secretary to the famous Robert James,” she cooed, shooting him a flirtatious look. “You’re so lucky Anna, you get all the breaks.”

Inside, I was frozen. Was that what Robert had told them? So no one thought I was missing, they thought I’d taken a better job working as the personal assistant of Robert James? I guess it was a smart move, it got him off the hook unless I decided to spill the beans. And why would I do that? Suddenly, my kidnapping sounded ludicrous and strange, the lies of a desperate woman. I’d be insane if I told people what happened, so instead, I played along with the farce.

“That’s right,” I said, taking a deep breath and looking Ann-Marie straight in the eye. “Robert hired me as a copy editor, and we’ve been holed up in the woods focused on his next release.” There, that came out okay. “But why are you here?” I added quickly. “What brings you to the forest? I thought you didn’t like nature.”


