His Omega’s Keeper Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 90209 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

“All right, baby. All right.” His fingers kept circling my clit and then, suddenly, I was there! I moaned his name helplessly as I arched my back and pleasure rushed through me in a warm, intense wave. It was the orgasm I’d been craving since last night when the head of his cock had accidentally slipped into my slippery pussy mouth and finally I had it!

But though I felt like I was exploding from the inside out, I still wanted more.

“I want you inside me!” I begged Jake. “Please, Jake—can’t you put your cock inside me—just a little bit? I need to feel it in me!”

Jake frowned and drew his hand away.

“Can’t do that, little Ani. You know I can’t take your virginity!”

“You might have to,” Ophelia interjected.

Jake and I both looked up.

“What?” I asked breathlessly. “I mean, what are you talking about?”

“Well, as your Heat Cycle progresses, your pussy is going to feel more and more empty and longing to be filled,” she lectured me. “And you know,” she said to Jake. “Since the Royal Omega is a virgin, it would be much easier for her if you took her gently at least once before you knotted her tonight. You know that knotting and breeding can get kind of rough,” she added, wincing a little in apparent sympathy with the ordeal poor virginal me was going to have to go through.

“It…it can?” I asked uncertainly.

“Don’t worry about that,” Jake told me. “It’s not going to happen—I’m not going to breed you…I don’t think,” he added in a low voice, as though to himself.

I thought he was doing a pretty good job of acting like a man whose certainties are crumbling—I just hoped it was fooling Ophelia.

She certainly looked thoughtful as she surveyed the two of us.

“Are you ready to get up and have your first test of the morning?” she asked me, smiling. “Or do you need a little more time in your lover’s arms?”

“I…I think I’m okay…for now, anyway,” I said.

“Good. Then let’s go into the bathroom,” Ophelia said.


Ophelia led the way into the bathroom and the minute she closed the door, she leaned back against it and grinned at me conspiratorially.

“So, the two of you certainly seem to be getting along much better than you were last night,” she said, knowingly.

“I…I guess we are.” I hung my head, still pretending to be embarrassed and ashamed. “I…we can’t seem to help ourselves,” I murmured, as though I was confiding in her. “I mean, last night, Jake was just warming me up and his, uh, you know, almost slipped right inside me!”

“Yes, it looked like he was about to slip inside you when I came to wake you up this morning,” Ophelia murmured, grinning at me. “Tell me—did it feel good?”

“It did—it felt amazing,” I admitted in a low voice. “I don’t know why I wanted to let him do it so bad. I…I even spread my legs for him and let him press just the tip of his, you know, his shaft all the way inside me,” I added, playing it up a bit.

Ophelia frowned.

“I thought you said he just almost slipped inside you. How much went in?”

“Well…it was just the head,” I murmured, twisting my fingers together. “That’s not so bad—is it?” I asked, looking up at her imploringly. “I mean, he took it right back out again. Well, after a few minutes, anyway,” I added. “Though I really didn’t want him to. Take it out, I mean. But I’m still a virgin.”

“Of course you didn’t want him to take it out—your body is crying out to be knotted and bred,” Ophelia lectured me, as she opened another pink box and took out another pee stick pregnancy test. “Your womb is longing to be filled with his child.”

“But I’m so young,” I protested. “Too young to be a mom!”

“You seem like a very mature person to me,” Ophelia said. “And I’m sure the Alpha Heir will make a wonderful father. He’ll help you raise the baby.”

“But I shouldn’t get pregnant by my own stepbrother—should I?” I asked pleadingly. “I mean, even though my body really wants to and I really wish I would have let him put his cock all the way inside me instead of just the head,” I added.

“He’s your Fated Mate—it’s right for him to breed you,” Ophelia said, handing me the test. “Just as it’s right for you to spread your legs for his shaft and his knot and let him fill your womb with life. For in so doing, you Royals will give life to all of us other, ordinary Weres.”

“Tell me more about the prophecy and what the, uh, Royal Weres are supposed to do,” I said, as I peed on the stick. “I’m not sure I really understand it.”

Ophelia went into a long explanation that sounded like the plot of some dystopian novel and I listened dutifully, trying to look extremely interested and concerned.


