His Omega’s Keeper Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 90209 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 451(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

“All right then,” I whispered. “Do it, Jake. Come in me.”

“Only if you come with me.” He frowned. “Damn—wish I had both hands free so I could touch you. Can you touch yourself, Ani?”

“I…I don’t know if it would help,” I said hesitantly. “It never has before. I mean, it’s never felt like much of anything when I, er, touch myself.”

“That was before,” he reminded me. “Your body’s awake now—it knows what it needs. Go on, baby—reach down and touch yourself. I don’t want to come until you do.”

Hesitantly, I slipped a hand in between our bodies. Finding the place where we were joined, I slipped my fingers into my pussy lips and began to stroke my clit in circles, just as Jake had done the two times he’d made me come.

To my surprised pleasure, it worked! Before Jake, I’d had nothing but numbness and a distant, dull buzzing sensation down there. But now the pleasure zinged through me as I stroked my clit. It sent electrical currents through my whole body, making the feeling of Jake filling me even more intense.

“Does it feel good, baby?” he murmured, watching my face as I stroked myself. “Does it feel good when you pet your soft little clit while I fill your pussy with my cock?”

“Yes!” I moaned, loving his dirty talk. “Yes, Jake, it feels so good!”

“Keep doing it then, little Ani,” he rumbled. “Keep petting that soft pussy. And let me know when you’re ready to come so I can fill you up.”

The thought of him coming inside me was somehow incredibly erotic—it felt risky even though Jake had promised me he couldn’t get me pregnant if he didn’t knot me. But maybe it was the risk that made it feel so good. I kept touching myself while he stroked inside me and before I knew it, I was right on the precipice and ready to jump.

“Jake!” I moaned. “Oh God, I’m close—I’m so close!”

“Come for me, then baby,” he growled, stroking deep inside me as he held my eyes with his. “Come while I fuck you—while I fill you up!”

“Yes, Jake! Oh, God—yes!” I gasped and then I was coming—coming harder that I ever had before.

I could feel my inner muscles contracting, squeezing all around Jake’s thick shaft as he pierced me to the core. And for a moment—just a moment—I thought I felt the thick swelling of his Mating knot starting to slip inside me.

But then Jake pulled back incrementally and began to come—jetting spurt after hot spurt of his seed deep in my pussy, bathing my hungry womb which seemed to soak up the deluge eagerly and beg for more.

“Jake…JAKE!” I moaned, scratching his back and bucking my hips up to meet him. I definitely wasn’t acting—the pleasure was intense—almost overwhelming. “Oh my God, more –please, more!”

He pulled back, a look of almost pain on his face. I wondered distractedly if he had some kind of blue balls. He had come in me but he hadn’t knotted me—did knotting give an extra layer of sexual release for male Weres? I didn’t know.

“I can’t give you any more, little Ani—not unless I knot you,” he told me. Didn’t being fucked help any at all?”

“Some,” I admitted, wiggling under him. “But even though you’re inside me, I still feel so empty. It’s like something is coming between us—keeping me from the abundance you’re trying to give me,” I added, hoping I sounded convincingly culty.

“It’s these damn silver cuffs,” Jake muttered, as though to himself, but plenty loud enough for Ophelia to hear. “How am I supposed to ease your Royal Heat Syndrome if they keep me in silver like this?”

“I don’t know. I only know I need you—need more,” I moaned.

Jake cursed and slid out of me. He rolled on his side, shaking his head.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he told me. “But there’s only so much I can do.”

I rolled on my side, sobbing as convincingly as I could, covering my face with my hands as though I was inconsolable.

“Is she all right?” Ophelia, who had been watching the show from the trapdoor, finally approached us. She put a hand on my shoulder but I shook it off and kept crying.

“I told you—it’s the Royal Heat Syndrome,” Jake told her, frowning. “It happens sometimes to Royal Omegas. She needs me to breed her under the full moon in a special way—and it’s impossible to do that with silver on.” He rattled the silver handcuffs against the headboard angrily.

“Professor Sorenson is doing some research right now,” she said anxiously. “I’m sure he’ll have an answer for you soon!”

“Not soon enough,” Jake growled. “Just look at my poor little Ani—she’s in agony!”

He gathered me close to him and I turned over so I could press my face to his chest and breathe in his spicy fur and bonfire scent of his skin. Actually, it felt really good to be close to him now—really right. I wondered if our lovemaking had tied us together somehow…or if I was just feeling emotional because I’d had sex for the very first time.


