If You Love Me (Toronto Terror #4) Read Online Helena Hunting

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Toronto Terror Series by Helena Hunting

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 124494 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 622(@200wpm)___ 498(@250wpm)___ 415(@300wpm)

“We’re asking for some clarity,” Vander Zee replies.

“And we’re telling you there were rumors at the Hockey Academy. So now you know this rivalry goes back a long way. I don’t mean to be unhelpful, but if it comes from us, the divide only gets bigger. And I won’t be disloyal to my teammate over a decision I didn’t have a hand in making.” Tristan crosses his arms. “We can talk to Madden, but what you’re asking here is a line I can’t step over.”

“What he said,” Dallas agrees.

“I understand the importance of team loyalty and the difficult position you’re in,” I reassure them. “And we appreciate the insight.”

“I don’t like it, but I get where you boys are coming from,” Vander Zee agrees. “Hopefully we can get to the bottom of things before the official season starts.” He glances at his watch. “My youngest has a cello performance tonight, so we can reconvene tomorrow morning before practice and decide how to proceed.” He pushes his chair back, and we all stand.

“Sorry we couldn’t be more helpful,” Dallas says as we exit the conference room.

“We appreciate your candor,” Vander Zee replies. “Forrester, we’ll see you in the morning. Good work today.”

I don’t know how deserved that compliment is, but I’ll take it. “Thanks, Coach.”

As I skirt around the players, Roman opens his mouth to say something, but Tristan interjects. “We’re grabbing a bite to eat at the Watering Hole. It’s a local pub a couple of blocks down. It might be a good way to get to know some of the team. Flip will be there. And all the girls. You can meet my fiancée, Bea, and Hemi and Hammer are coming.”

“I heard my name.” Hemi pokes her head out of the door across the hall.

“And I heard mine.” Hammer appears behind her. “Hi, Dado.” She crosses over and wraps her arms around Roman’s waist.

All his tension seems to melt away with the affection. He squeezes her back. “Hey, kiddo.”

“What’s going on?” Hemi asks as Dallas moves toward her.

“Hi, honey.” He kisses her on the cheek. “Tristan was inviting Coach Forrester to the Watering Hole.”

“Oh yes! You have to come! They have the best nachos,” Hammer says.

Hemi arches a brow. “Time to cash in that rain check?”

I glance at Vander Zee. I don’t know what protocol is here. I want to connect with the team, but I don’t want to do anything that might not reflect well with upper management. He nods.

Which is good because it means I don’t have to say no to Hemi again. And Tristan is right. Getting to know the guys off the ice could help us get to the bottom of the Grace-Madden issue. And maybe I’ll be able to pull Roman aside and have the awkward discussion that’s hanging over our heads.

“Sure.” I force myself to smile. “I can come for nachos.”



The players head out to grab a table, and Hemi, Hammer, and Shilpa wait while I stop in my office to pick up my purse and shut my computer down. We pass Coach Thomas and Richards on the way out. They say hello, but seem deep in conversation. Gray clouds blanket the sky, the air is heavy with the promise of thunderstorms, as we walk down the street.

“You said the other coaches don’t usually come out, right?” Vander Zee gave me approval, but maybe it was more about getting to the bottom of the Grace-Madden situation. It would be nice to make some friends in the office, though.

“Arnold has three kids under five. He and Donnie are tight since their four-year-olds play hockey on the same team. Boxer has a forty-five-minute commute because he lives outside the city,” Hemi explains. “So we usually just see them at games and in the office.”

“That makes sense.” And also makes me feel a little better. I’m younger than the other coaches by a good decade. And obviously Donnie and Arnold are friends outside of the office.

“Dallas said you schooled Grace and Madden at practice.”

“Just setting expectations for behavior,” I reply, trying to be diplomatic.

I don’t know these women well, and all three of them are in relationships with players. I’ve done my research. Shilpa was married to Ash before she became the team lawyer, Hammer was also involved with Hollis prior to being hired, and Hemi’s on-ice proposal was pretty damn public. I don’t know where their allegiances lie, and I’m the outsider here.

“I’m not surprised Madden and Grace got into it already,” Hemi muses.

Shilpa hums. “Those two are always a problem when they’re on the ice together. It would be good if they could settle whatever it is between them.”

“I wonder if Rix will have any insight,” Hammer says.

“Who’s Rix again?” The name is familiar, but I’ve learned so many recently.

“Tristan Stiles’s fiancée,” Hemi says. “She’s also Flip Madden’s sister. Tristan calls her Bea because her name is Beatrix, but the rest of us call her Rix. There are a lot of nicknames in this group, so don’t feel bad if you need us to create a spreadsheet.”


