If You Love Me (Toronto Terror #4) Read Online Helena Hunting

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Toronto Terror Series by Helena Hunting

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 124494 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 622(@200wpm)___ 498(@250wpm)___ 415(@300wpm)

“From what I understand, Madden, Stiles, and Bright were well liked by the coaches and their teammates,” I add evenly.

She leans forward. “But Grace wasn’t.”

“It doesn’t seem that way, based on conversations with the other guys, but they’re also biased and have a longer history together.”

She taps her lips with her pen. “Grace is flashy and cocky.”

I wish she’d stop drawing attention to parts of her body I’ve previously enjoyed. “He is.”

“Grace has two sisters, but his grandmother is the only member of his family who appears on his social media,” Coach Forrester shares. “And she’s the only relative who attends his games, as far as I can see.”

“I didn’t realize that.” But it sure raises a lot of questions. Connor comes from money. His family owns some of the most prestigious hotel chains in the world.

“Mmm… I noticed it when I did a social media scan. He clearly thinks highly of his grandmother, like Madden thinks highly of his sister.”

“She’s dating his best friend, so they’re together a lot.”

Coach Forrester leans back in her chair, expression pensive. “There has to be a way for them to connect.”

“It might be easier if you try connecting with them individually.”

“I do that on the ice with them every day,” she says.

“Think about all your best coaches,” I press. “What made them great?”

Her eyes flare and her cheeks flush. Flashes of our weekend together inconveniently float to the surface. “Show me how. I want to learn, Roman.”

She clears her throat and looks away. “I saw them as people, not just my boss.”

“So be the same. Share your story. That’s the best way to learn something about Grace. What’s he lost? What makes him who he is? You’ve overcome adversity, and maybe it’s not the same as Grace, but it sure is relatable.” I wait for her eyes to meet mine again. “You’re the first female assistant coach in the league, Lexi. It’s an incredible accomplishment. And it comes with its own challenges.” Such as me being a past hookup. “But you’ve already proven you’re tenacious and passionate about the sport. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. You’re showing you care about more than team stats by having this conversation with me, because let’s be honest, this isn’t easy for either of us.”


I hold up a hand. I can tell I’m making her emotional, and if I break her, I’ll break, too. I need to get the words out and get out of her office. “Show these guys who you are. Be real with them the way you were last night with my daughter and the other women who work for this team. You made an impression on them. You definitely made one on me. You’re already making one on the team. Be more than their coach. You’re a mother to your sisters. You’re doing all of this on your own. You got yourself here.” I motion to her office. “Your passion for leading is what brought you here. Have confidence in your abilities, and they will, too.”

“You’re being awfully kind to me today,” she says softly.

“I wasn’t my best self yesterday.” I struggle to leave it at that and not bring up our past. “I’m sorry about your mom and your stepdad.”

She smiles weakly. “Me, too.”

“Are you and the girls managing okay?” I can’t imagine how difficult this is for her.

“Most days, yeah,” she replies.

“Being a single parent is hard, even when you’re prepared for it.”

“I want taking this job to have been the right move. Not just for me and my career, but for them, too. I wanted it to be a fresh start for all of us and I’m terrified that I’m going to fuck everything up. I don’t want to do more damage than good.” She shakes her head. “Why am I telling you this?”

“That you’re worried Lexi means your head and heart are in the right place. I still worry that I’m fucking things up and Aurora is grown and self-sufficient, so you’re not alone. Every good parent feels that way. I know you’re here to support and guide this team, but if you let them, they’ll show up for you and those girls.” I grip the arms of my chair and let my eyes slide closed. I want so many things, and I can’t have any of them. “I gotta go.”

I stand and she does the same. “Roman.”

I meet her gaze.

“I’m sorry I didn’t warn you.”

“I’m sure you are.” I leave her office before I do something stupid—like ask questions that will only make keeping my distance harder.



“I’ll do that for you.” Roman’s warm, calloused hands move mine away. I let mine fall to my sides and shiver as he finger combs my hair. It’s devastatingly sexy to have this huge, imposing man french braid my hair.


