Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 124494 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 622(@200wpm)___ 498(@250wpm)___ 415(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 124494 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 622(@200wpm)___ 498(@250wpm)___ 415(@300wpm)
I hold out my hand and he drops the puck into it. His voice is low. “And good work with Grace. You’re already making gains.”
The praise settles low in my belly, igniting another fire. One I need to ignore. But his approval is something I still crave, and my breathy response gives me away.
“Thanks, Goalie.”
Hemi pokes her head in my office later that afternoon. “A bunch of us are heading to the Watering Hole at five, if you want to join us.”
“Let me check in with my sister. I want to make sure it doesn’t conflict with her schedule.” Fee is at practice with Callie until six. In theory, I could go for half an hour, still beat them home and have dinner started. Plus, it’s another opportunity to connect with the team, but I want to make sure I’m not stepping over lines I shouldn’t with Vander Zee first.
“Sure thing.” Hemi smiles. “We’re heading over in about twenty. If you can make it work, just pop by my office and we’ll walk over together.”
“Sounds good.”
Hemi leaves to shut down for the day. Before I message Fee, I stop by Vander Zee’s office. He’s intense, but fair and I appreciate that about him. His door is open, but I still knock.
“Come on in.”
He’s standing at his whiteboard, players marked by their numbers.
“Planning out starting line-up for the Ottawa game?” I ask.
“Yeah. It works to keep Grace and Madden on separate lines for the most part.” He taps Palaniappa’s number on the board.
“But that will have to change eventually,” I supply.
“It will,” he agrees.
“Hammerstein gave me some good advice, and I’m working on Grace.” I wish I could get to the bottom of this faster. It would be better for the team and could win me points with Vander Zee. It’s a challenge, though, when I don’t work closely with the variable who’s been with this team longer.
“You mind me asking what the advice was?”
“He asked me who my best coaches were when I played. They were always the ones I connected with on a personal level. The ones who were relatable.”
“That’s true.” He nods thoughtfully. “You know, when my daughter Tallulah came here for her co-op placement in high school it changed how the players saw me. They treated Tally like one of their sisters. Watched over her, took care of her. Hell, she’s close with the girls in the office. And I’m more than just a guy barking orders and pushing them to play better and smarter.”
“I can see that.” It’s the segue I need. “Hemi invited me out to the Watering Hole. I wanted to make sure it was okay before I accepted the offer.”
“Yeah, of course it’s okay. It’s a good way for the guys to get to know you. And you know, if you can get Madden to open up, that’d be great.”
“I’ll see what I can do, but he holds his cards close to the vest.”
“He sure does. If I didn’t have two kids in opposing extracurriculars I would make the effort, but I can’t clone myself or my wife.”
“Fair. Is it okay if I head out?”
“Absolutely. I’m doing the same shortly.”
“Okay, thanks Coach Vander Zee. Have a good night.”
“You too.”
I head for the door.
I pause and turn back to him.
“It’s good to get to know them. But when you’re on the ice you’re in charge and what you say goes.”
“Yes, sir.” There’s a fine line between gaining their trust, being relatable, and still being in charge, and I want him to see me as capable of taking criticism without having to be babied.
He nods once and turns his attention back to the whiteboard.
I message my sister on the way back to my office.
I’ve been invited to go out with some Terror staff after work. Same place as last time. Do you want me to bring takeout home or should we make something together?
Big Pheels
Takeout all the way. I’ll have the same as last time. Also, take your time coming home. Callie wants to make cookies, so this is a good excuse for us to eat them all and pretend it didn’t happen while you’re out making friends.
You should make plans with friends.
Big Pheels
I’m working on it. You know I take a while to warm up. ILY. Please have fun and don’t come back too early.
ILY back. Thank you.
I exhale the emotion that comes with her permission. She’s been forced to grow up so quickly. I want to see her living, thriving in a way I never did.
I meet up with Hemi, Shilpa, and Hammer, and we pass Coach Thomas and Donnie on the way to the elevator.
“You on your way out, Forrester?” he asks, scanning our group.
“I am. Unless you need me for something?”
“You all heading to the Watering Hole?” Arnold asks before Donnie can reply.