In Love After Office Hours – Wrong For You Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 129687 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 648(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 432(@300wpm)

Willem de Konigh smiled back at her. “Just one for the road, then I’m afraid I truly have to leave.”

“So soon?” Shane pretended to pout, but only because she knew that doing so would make her look prettier. “But I still have yet to get you drunk.”

Willem smiled, charmed by his date’s frankness, which women rarely displayed in his company. Most of them tended to do whatever they thought he wanted them to do. “I’m afraid getting me inebriated will be quite the challenge for anyone,” he told Shane in a husky murmur, “but I do appreciate the intention.”

A smile of satisfaction played on Melanie Raleigh’s lips as she surveyed the scene from the head of the table. Shane was doing very, very well. It definitely made hiring a caterer for tonight’s dinner worth the cost.

Ten more minutes of banter ensued before the Dutch billionaire firmly made his farewells, and Melanie sent her daughter a sharp look. Shane had to be reminded that while she could afford to show her true colors to her other admirers, she had to be on her best behavior for as long as she didn’t have a de Konigh ring around her finger.

Correctly interpreting Melanie’s warning, Shane gave Willem a gracious nod. “I understand,” she said lightly. “Duty calls, right?” When approval gleamed in her date’s bright blue eyes, Shane knew she had done the right thing.

Melanie rose to her feet, and the couple did the same. “I hope to see you again, Mr. de Konigh,” she murmured sweetly.

“Only if you allow me to return the favor and invite the two of you to my home,” Willem answered gallantly.

When her mother left, Shane walked her date to the front door of Melanie’s penthouse apartment, making sure that her hips swayed provocatively with every step she took. When they reached the doorway, she glanced at Willem over her shoulder.

The billionaire lifted a brow at her, and Shane’s breath caught. The man was just too damn gorgeous and sexy for his own good, and he knew it.

A second later, and Willem de Konigh had hauled her into his arms, his mouth expertly taking possession of hers.

With most of the rich men she dated, Shane had to pretend passion and, sometimes, even love. But with the Dutch billionaire, she didn’t have to pretend at all. It was unbelievably easy to lose herself in Willem’s commanding touch, although how much that had to do with his billions she wasn’t quite sure. In any case, it didn’t really matter. She might be a vain little bitch, but even she wasn’t vain enough to think that the billionaire was attracted to her because of her looks. To be Mrs. Konigh, she would be whatever and whoever he wanted her to be.

Willem had her against the wall now, and Shane closed her eyes in genuine ecstasy as he bent his head and took one silk-covered nipple into his mouth. He bit hard, and her lips parted in a silent moan.

She felt his fingers delve down, moving under her skirt until he found her sex. And then he started to stroke. She started to gasp.

In another minute, he had her coming, Shane shuddering in his arms, her mouth buried against the side of his neck to keep herself from making noise.

When he pulled away, she shook her head and before he could stop her, Shane had sunk down to her knees, unzipped him, and then she was taking his fully erect cock into her mouth.

Willem gripped her head tightly.

She started sucking him. Shane gave it all she got, but the billionaire remained in control to the end, only emitting a low hiss as he came in her mouth. She swallowed it all even though she despised the taste of cum.

Afterwards, she made sure to keep her voice light as she said, “Goodbye.” She knew that any sign of being clingy would have the billionaire leaving her in an instant.

“I’ll call you,” Willem murmured. “Lock up now and have a good night’s sleep.”

Knowing the billionaire was used to being obeyed without question, Shane simply smiled and nodded. “Good night.” She closed and locked the door, and after a moment’s hesitation, she rushed up the stairs, eager to tell Melanie about her progress.

Patience was the key, Shane thought to herself. Even if it took years, she would be patient and bide her time to ensure that she would be able to bring the Dutch billionaire to the altar.

WILLEM DE KONIGH WAITED for the sound of Shane’s footsteps to fade before turning around to leave. When he rounded the hallway, he saw with a frown that his bodyguards were busy chatting up a woman.

Before he could ask what the hell was happening, his security sensed his presence and immediately swung around to face him, their faces as stiff as their posture. Behind the two guards, a pair of blue eyes, startlingly similar to Willem’s, peered warily at him.


