In Love After Office Hours – Wrong For You Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 129687 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 648(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 432(@300wpm)

When they reached their apartment, Shane headed straight up while Serenity went to the kitchen, saying nervously, “I need a glass of water.”

“Don’t care,” her sister answered airily, and her footsteps faded, followed by the sound of Shane’s bedroom door opening and closing.

She counted the minutes while chewing on her lip, jittery and restless, when the text finally came.

Serenity rushed to the front door and tried to unlock it as noiselessly as possible. She opened the door, and there he was, beautiful and sexy, and looking at her like she was the only girl in the world for him.

I love him so much.

She wanted to whisper it to him, wanted to cry it out, wanted to sing it to the world.

But even Serenity knew it was too early, and she had to content herself with placing a trembling hand in his.

He closed the door and turning back to her, he raised a brow. What are we waiting for?

She almost, almost giggled.

Serenity led him up the stairs, and Willem was content to let her. When they reached the top, Serenity motioned him to stay on the steps while she double-checked the knobs of Shane and Melanie’s doors. Both were locked, which meant they were inside the room.

Serenity went back to the billionaire and offered her hand.

He took it, but when she started to lead him, he held on to her hand.

Her eyes widened.

Lifting her hand to his mouth, he began to nibble on her fingers, one by one, and she swayed on her feet. When he met her eyes, she was glaring at him. Really? You have to do that now? But the way her nipples pebbled against the velvet of her gown told him that she was as aroused as she was frustrated.

Taking his hand again, she led him into her bedroom, but as soon as the door was locked, he swept her in his arms and took her mouth with his.

Wrapping her arms around him, she hid her face against his neck and whispered, “I’m terrified of being caught.”

The billionaire only shrugged. “If we are caught, then so be it.” In his mind, he had already relinquished their fate to the winds. Since he was going to make her his tonight, there was no point holding back, no point maintaining his farce of a relationship with Shane. It might hurt the other woman, but one thing he had never been blind about was her obsession with money. He was certain that with the right amount of bribe, all would be forgiven.

But in this case, he was mistaken.

Outside Serenity’s room, Shane had her ear pressed to the door, her entire body shaking with fury. She had just been about to step out of the closet room she shared with Melanie when she had heard footsteps. To her shock, it was Serenity and Willem, and Shane had found herself wavering between outrage and disbelief as her little hussy of a sister took the billionaire into her own room.

The traitorous slut!

Shane’s teeth gnashed with jealousy.

Her first instinct was to burst into the scene and throw a hell of a tantrum, but she fortunately had enough self-control to prevent herself from doing so. She needed to be just as patient and methodical with revenge as she was with seduction. She wanted Serenity dying in humiliation and pain, and for that to happen she had to plan, carefully and thoroughly.

INSIDE SERENITY’S ROOM, the billionaire and his intern were slowly undressing each other while their gazes remained entwined. Tonight, Willem was less efficient as he was before, making her look at him in wonder.

“I want you so much,” he explained harshly, “that it’s taking all my control not to fuck you right this moment.”

She blushed at his words, but her soft, shy voice was filled with conviction when she said, “After tonight, you will never have to control yourself again.”

He closed his eyes, groaning, “Words like that aren’t going to help, engel.” His fingers moved faster, but when they weren’t moving fast enough, he muttered a nearly incoherent apology before ripping her gown into two pieces.

Serenity let out a low gasp. “Willem!”

“I’ll buy you the exact same thing if you want, but I just need you naked now.” His voice was thick with desire as he got rid of her bra and panties the same way.

Finally, she was completely naked save for her shoes, and even though the sight of her in heels made him swallow, he forced himself to move. Making her sit on the bed, he crouched down to take her shoes off one by one. Once her feet were bare, he took one and started massaging it.

“Oooooh.” Her eyes closed, a dreamy expression falling over her face.

He massaged the other foot. “You like it?”

“I love it.” Her eyes flew open, and she said softly, “Thank you.” Then she was standing up, and he came to his feet as well. She finished unbuttoning his shirt and let it fall to the floor as she bent down and worked on the button and zipper of his pants. This, too, fell a moment later, and Willem was down to his briefs.


