In Love with a Cruel Billionaire Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)

He stiffened, but he did not look at her and was instead gazing at Ioniko. In no uncertain terms, he said, “I am taking my woman now.”

Chapter 9

“I NEED TO MEET WITH Alina tomorrow.”

Mairi did her best not to look gutted at the first words Damen had spoken since he had whisked her out of the library. Did he really need to meet with his ex-fiancée?

The uncomfortable silence between them persisted. She badly wanted to get rid of the distance separating her and Damen even though they were seated on the same row inside his limousine. But she couldn’t, his aloofness a physical barrier that kept her away, making Mairi feel like she was a virus he didn’t want to be infected with.

Damen did not say anything else, forcing Mairi to ask haltingly, “Why?”

A part of him was tempted not to answer, but Damen knew refusing to do so would be an act of a child. Another part of him still wanted to demand why back. Why had she been with Ioniko Vlahos – again?

He was jealous, so fucking jealous he knew he was being unreasonable. But he could not stop himself from feeling it. Love was such a strange emotion, and powerful, too, the way it messed with his head. He had never been the emotional type, which was unsurprising for someone raised by a cold fish like Esther Leventis. And yet now, he felt like a caged predator whose prey had been stolen from him.

Ever since learning Mairi was indeed at the same place as Vlahos, he had a serious urge to beat the living hell out of the other man. But honor demanded he not do it without a valid reason, and it was to his everlasting regret that Vlahos had not provided him with one.

The man had been nothing but respectful towards Mairi as he bid her goodbye, but it didn’t fucking matter. Damen had seen the look in Vlahos’ eyes.

The other man cared for Mairi, and if Damen made one mistake, he was certain that Vlahos would not hesitate to swoop in and spirit his Mairi away.


He asked stiffly, “Does it matter? I would not meet with her if I do not need to.”

The words were unexpected. They hurt, and Mairi swallowed audibly, telling herself that he surely hadn’t meant to snap at her like that.

Hearing the tiny sound Mairi made caused Damen to grit his teeth. He was being unfair to her. He knew it, but God, he was so fucking tired these days. Never had he been put in a position to defend himself and his decisions to anyone but because he had chosen to love Mairi, he was now suddenly answerable to practically every fucking person who invested a single euro in his corporation.

She cut him off, saying brightly, “It’s fine.”

But it was not.

They both knew it, and they both knew it had not been fine for some time now.

They didn’t speak for the rest of the ride and when they reached Damen’s home, Mairi couldn’t help it anymore. As he helped her out, she caught his hand and squeezed. When he looked down at her, she said, “I love you.”

Please, please, please say I love you back.

But he didn’t. Instead, he bent down and kissed her lips. “We’re both tired.” His voice was gentle and yet each word felt like a knife stab. “Rest now.”

Mairi nodded.

Inside his house, he watched her climb the stairs alone without saying a word. Her back was stiff, and he knew it was because she was doing her best not to break down.

Use your brain and do not be like other rich fools, letting your cock rule you. Leave that American slut if you do not want your business to collapse.

Everyone thinks she has you wrapped around her gold-digging finger, Leventis. They are laughing behind your back and they are laughing at us for investing in your company.

The Kokinos are still willing to welcome you with open arms. You only need to publicly dump your mistress to give them their pride back.

Damen walked towards his office, knowing he had another sleepless night ahead of him. But he did not regret it. He did not. He would do everything to keep Mairi at his side and if it meant losing and rebuilding his empire from scratch, then so be it.

He loved her. He did not and would never regret choosing her over everything. He just fucking wished she was not...he just wished she hadn’t changed so much.

Where was the Mairi he knew who had been so happy about teaching? Where was the Mairi who had been so adamant about not depending on him for money? Where had that Mairi gone?

Morning came and Damen still did not possess any answers to the questions that continued to torment him. He took a quick shower and when he came out with a small towel wrapped around his body, he saw Mairi rubbing her eyes.


