Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31778 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 159(@200wpm)___ 127(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 31778 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 159(@200wpm)___ 127(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)
Wizard snickered and turned toward the front door while I went through the swinging door near the bar that took me into the massive kitchen.
When the sun crested on the horizon, I had pancakes, French toast, four kinds of eggs, fried potatoes, grits, Italian sausage, and a fuck ton of other breakfast goodness ready for anyone who wandered in hungry.
After the first few guys stumbled in to eat before work, I trudged into the lounge and passed out on one of the couches for a couple of hours.
When I woke up, I hurried upstairs, worried that Annika was awake and feeling confined to my room all by herself. But she was still asleep, so to avoid climbing into bed with her, I grabbed some clothes and took a very cold shower.
“Good morning.”
Her husky, sleep-warmed voice greeted me when I came back into the bedroom.
I sat down on the edge of the bed and did my best to keep my eyes on her face rather than perusing her body. “Morning, dolcezza. How are you?”
She shrugged. “I’m not really sure, if I’m being honest. The rest did me some good, but I still feel emotionally drained.”
I nodded and cupped her chin with one hand, brushing my thumb over her plump lips. “I get that. How about you take a shower, then we can snag some breakfast. Hopefully, someone will have something that will at least point us in a direction by then.”
A small smile creased her lips, and she closed her eyes with a soft sigh.
Holy fuck. I made a vow to hear her make that sound again while I was buried deep inside her.
“That sounds wonderful,” she told me sweetly, helping to distract me from the very dirty, very graphic images playing like a picture reel in my head.
While she was in the shower, I got dressed and called King to talk with him about the project I’d completed.
Once we were both ready to go, I helped her put on my spare cut. Then I took her hand, and we walked downstairs together.
After we ate breakfast, I showed her my studio, careful to be vague about certain tools and projects. Since we’d gotten up late, it didn’t feel like too long before Ace knocked on my door.
“Ash is here. Meeting with Prez.”
Holding hands again, Annika and I hurried to meet my brothers in King’s office.
Ash was at the conference table on the left side of the room, reading on his tablet, his face a mask of deep contemplation.
“Ash,” I greeted. “This is Annika.”
His head popped up, and he wiped the frustration from his expression as he greeted my girl. “Hey. I’m sorry it took me so long to get here.”
Annika’s face turned bright red, and she sighed. “No, I’m sorry. I had no idea that Matteo was going to drag you from your honeymoon! Your wife must hate me! I’m so sorry.”
Ash grinned. “If we’d stayed, instead of coming back to help, my wife would have kicked my ass. So how about we just call it even and see how I can help?”
I shot him a grateful look as I took a seat across from him and tugged Annika down onto my lap. “Know you just got here, but have you come up with something?”
“Maybe. I think I might know where the loophole is that allowed your uncle to pull that money after you turned eighteen. Only from the checking account, though. Your investments are safe. But I need to do a little research in my law library. I also have a friend looking through some files at the Justice Department because I have a nagging feeling, and I’ve learned not to discount my hunches.”
Annika pressed a hand over her heart. “Thank you.” She sniffed and swiped a finger under one eye. “I don’t know how to thank you.”
Ash nodded absently, his mind already back on the documents he was reading on his tablet. “I think—”
His words were interrupted when Wizard and Ace marched into the room. “Got something,” Ace announced, his tone packed with frustration.
“Haven’t figured out all the details yet,” Wizard muttered. “But we’re close.”
“To what?” I asked impatiently.
“Looks like Uncle Alec is in debt. Big time. He owes someone a couple of hundred grand, at least.”
“You don’t know who?” asked King.
“The trail is pretty well covered up,” Ace replied. “Followed the money several times before I finally looked close enough in the right places to see a pattern. Then Wizard had to do some magic shit to literally follow the physical trail before I could come up with a theory. The best explanation I can come up with is bets placed by a bookie. Old school, though, the guy must use pen and paper because he’s a fucking ghost.”
“A bookie?” King tapped a finger on the top of his desk, his expression considering. “I might know someone who can help us find a local without a trace.”