Irredeemable – Curvy Girl Mafia (Illicit Love #3) Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Illicit Love Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 32295 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 108(@300wpm)

His dark chuckle has goosebumps breaking out across every inch of my skin. "Tell me what you want, cara," he commands, crawling over me.

"I want you," I breathe. He might be the devil himself. But for him, I'm ready to burn.

"Good girl." He bites down on my lip and grins against my mouth as he positions himself between my thighs. His gaze locks on my face, his expression dark and full of secrets, but somehow soft and gentle too. "I already know you're going to ruin me."

"Coda," I whisper, remembering what he said in the hotel the other night. "Is this…have you never…?" How do you ask the devil if he's a virgin? I have no freaking clue.

"Never," he murmurs, the truth reflecting in his eyes. "There's only ever been you, cara."

His confession sets my soul on fire. It spreads through every fiber of my being, blazing like the sun. This beautiful, complicated man.

As he enters me, slowly, reverently, the world tilts on its axis. His name escapes my lips in a gasp. I writhe, caught in a net. Drowning. It's pleasure and it's pain, the best of both worlds.

I choke on a cry as my barrier tears. He feels it and groans, pressing his face against my throat.

"Mine," he breathes as if reminding us both that this piece of me will always belong to him now.

I sob his name, my nails embedded in his skin.

"Tell me you want this," he growls, his control slipping as he thrusts deeper, setting a rhythm that has us spiraling into oblivion.

"I want it," I breathe. "I want you, Coda. All of you."

"Yes, that's it, cara," he groans. His thrusts become more powerful, each one knocking the air out of my lungs only for his name to replace it. Each slide of his body against mine sends sparks straight to my core. Every touch is a brand searing him deeper into my soul.

"More," I whimper.

"You can handle more, cara?"

"Yes," I manage to choke out. Hell yes.

With a feral growl, he drives into me again and again, deeper with every primal stroke. His fingers dig into my hips, pulling me closer still, guiding me to meet each punishing thrust.

"Mine," he rasps, biting at my collarbone with an animalistic ferocity. His hands are everywhere, leaving trails of searing heat where they roam over my exposed flesh.

Oh God… This is heaven… This is hell…

"More," I sob. "More."

He pins my wrists above my head, his grip ironclad. I'm his to command, a willing captive to his every whim. The room echoes with the sound of flesh meeting flesh and my cries of ecstasy.

"Eyes on me," he commands, his voice a harsh whisper as he forces my eyes to his. A tempest rages in his gaze, a storm of emotion I don't think he knows how to name. But in this moment, he doesn't have to say anything. I know exactly how he feels.

"Coda," I whimper, driven to the edge by the relentless assault of pleasure he's orchestrated. My body bows beneath him, a string pulled taut, ready to snap.

He watches, a predatory satisfaction in his eyes as he brings me to the brink and tosses me over, not once, but again, and then again. Each climax shatters me, pieces of my soul reforming anew under the intensity of his touch.

"Mine," he declares, branding his claim into my very core. "Mine."

"Yours," I whisper, lost in the maelstrom of sensation, in the absolute power he wields over my body, and in the undeniable truth that, in his arms, I no longer care about right and wrong. All I care about is the sense of rightness that settles deep in my bones every time he calls me his.

"Always yours," I say, my voice weak but insistent.

There's a sharp inhale from him and his rhythm falters a beat before resuming. "Say it again," he orders.

The command reverberates through me, vibrating along every nerve ending. "Yours," I moan without hesitation. It's a pledge, a prayer…a confession spilling past my lips to his ears.

"I need you, Karina," he grits out. "More than air, more than life. I'll learn to be a man you can love."

My heart clenches painfully at his words. They're so raw, so unguarded. They wreck me. The man inside me is a force to be reckoned with, but the man beside me, whispering words of need… he's devastating.

If he thinks he has to learn to be someone who can be loved, I'm going to teach him that he already is.

His fingers tangle in my hair, yanking my head back to expose my throat. He bites down on the pulse hammering there, branding his possession into my skin.

Then he's lifting my legs higher over his shoulders, pushing deeper into me with each determined thrust until I'm crying out in pleasure again. He's everywhere and nowhere all at once—a web of sensation that captures me and holds me tight.


