It Kills Me (Betrayal #1) Read Online Penelope Sky

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Forbidden, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Betrayal Series by Penelope Sky

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 77683 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 311(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

“Giovanni, I want to introduce you to my business partner, Dante.”

Giovanni’s smile dropped, but he shook his hand.

“And this is his daughter, Scarlett,” I said.

Giovanni shook her hand. “Lovely to meet you.”

“I’ve told you a bit about what we’re doing,” I said. “It’s been a few months now, and we’ve revolutionized the industry.”

“Oh, I’ve heard,” Giovanni said. “It’s a small town…”

Giovanni definitely didn’t like Dante, but I had no idea why. “Let’s take a seat.” I moved to the nearest table and pulled out the chair for Melissa. Dante gave me a cold look across the table—like this was somehow my fault.

We sat together, and it was quiet for a moment.

I looked at Dante, telling him he needed to step it up and not expect me to do everything. “Giovanni, I hear business is good. I was just in Croatia a couple weeks ago. I have my own yacht there.”

Giovanni nodded and took a drink.

I snuck a glance at Scarlett.

Her eyes were on me, daggers on the surface.

I looked away because there was nothing I could do to assuage her feelings right now. If she thought I was remotely interested in Cassandra, she was fucking crazy. All I wanted to do was stick my hand up Scarlett’s dress and fist her panties before I yanked them down.

The conversation between the other men was a slow burn. A really slow burn. But Dante kept trying, and eventually, the words started to come more naturally. Money was soon the topic of conversation, and Giovanni seemed interested in that…like all men.

“We’ve successfully moved our products north and east, but if we want to push even farther east, we’re going to need the right connections,” Dante said. “I think that’s where we can help each other.”

“This is awfully ambitious for one man,” Giovanni said.

“Oh, I’m just getting started,” Dante said before he took a drink.

“How can you have enough product for this?” Giovanni questioned.

“I just do,” Dante said.

“I can attest to that, Giovanni,” I said. “I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

Soon, the men were locked in deeper conversation. Dante crossed his arms. “Perhaps we should continue this conversation in private.”

Giovanni gave a nod. “I think that would be a good idea.”

Both men stood up then walked to the hallway, where private rooms were located.

That left Scarlett and me at the table with Melissa, the woman who hadn’t said a word all night.

Scarlett wouldn’t look at me.

I knew I couldn’t just scoot down a couple of chairs and talk to her. I was certain Dante had men in the room keeping eyes on everything, just like last time when he’d caught me speaking to Scarlett.

She silently excused herself from the table and walked off.

I watched her go, and as if Cassandra had been waiting in the shadows for the prime opportunity, she swooped in and dropped into the chair beside me.

“So, how’s the Moreau Estate going?” she asked.

I was stuck in place, unable to comfort my girl without being seen, and this woman wouldn’t get off my ass. “Look, Cassandra. I know I said I wasn’t seeing anyone before, but it turns out I am, and it’s very complicated.” It didn’t have to be complicated, but her father was a thorn in my goddamn side.

Her face dropped at my words. “Then why did you say you weren’t?”

“Because it’s complicated⁠—”

“How is it complicated? It’s just a yes or a no⁠—”

“Cassandra.” I didn’t want to raise my voice, but she was pissing me the fuck off. “I’m sorry I misled you, but I’m fucking someone else right now. Now, walk away.”

She was so shocked by what I said that her eyes widened, and she looked like an owl. Then she reached for the drink on the table to throw it in my face.

“Not gonna happen.” I moved it out of the way so she couldn’t reach it. “We talked for ten minutes. No need to be dramatic.”

She burst out of the chair and stormed off, weaving through people like she was about to leave the dinner altogether.

Melissa took a drink. “Damn, that does sound complicated.”

I rubbed the back of my neck and gave a sigh. “You have no idea.” I pulled out my phone and started to text. Baby, you know that was just for appearances.

The three little dots didn’t appear.

Talk to me.


I called her instead.

It rang a couple times before she answered with her silence.

I spoke quietly, the noise of the crowd the perfect backdrop. “I would go after you, but I can’t. He’s got guys watching.”

She was silent.

“You know that meant nothing.”


“Baby, come on…”

Her voice finally came through. “I know I’m overreacting right now⁠—”

“You aren’t overreacting,” I said. “But you need to remember our circumstances.”

“How would you feel if some other guy was all over me?”

“It wouldn’t bother me because I know you’re mine.”


“Okay, I’d probably punch him in the face.”


