It’s Complicated – A Reservations Story Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123877 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 619(@200wpm)___ 496(@250wpm)___ 413(@300wpm)

“Not doing this with you two again! Get moving!” The voice was close, and Julian broke away, making Beckett try to follow those lips, wanting to draw Julian back into the kiss. Screw whatever fine they may receive. He’d gladly pay it ten times over just to keep Julian in his arms.

Julian brought his palms to Beckett’s cheeks, pushing his face back as Julian dropped his legs, severing contact as his body slid down Beckett’s. “You’re stronger than I thought. I wasn’t sure you could hold me.”

“I’ve always got you,” Beckett murmured his truth and finally let Julian lower his feet to the ground. “I really liked your greeting.”

“I’m glad you’re here.” Julian beamed. “I spent the last hour talking to my counselor about you.” He slapped Beckett’s ass as he waggled his brows suggestively. “I’ve got plans for you tonight.”

Fuck, Beckett’s hard as stone cock liked the promise in Julian’s tone. It took everything for Beckett to release Julian, and even then, he kept one arm wrapped around Julian’s waist as he bent for the bag he’d dropped. “Plans I’m going to like?”

“Plans I’m going to like.” Julian’s laughter was infectious. Beckett gave a side eye as Julian pulled away and started for the driver’s side door. Unable to hold Julian any longer, a sense of loss crashed over him. He never wanted to let go of Julian.

“Are you going to tell me?” Beckett said, moving to the passenger side, watching Julian open the driver’s side door.

“You’ll see.” Julian nodded. “Get in so we can get there.”

Beckett didn’t have to be told twice. He dumped the bag in the backseat and jumped into his side of the car, ready to go wherever Julian took him.

Chapter 30

How did his small bathroom feel so damned cozy when Beckett was around? Perhaps because that big man with the terrific smelling cologne made it feel that way, staying within feet of Julian with every step he took.

Perhaps the warm feelings had more to do with the mad, passionate kisses he’d received over and again. Beckett had the science of romance down to a fine art. The fact that he did so unintentionally only added to his allure.

That invisible connection they shared had reasserted itself from the second they saw one another at the airport and had lasted through the night into today. Beckett had a special way of gently using his strong, calloused palm around Julian’s bicep to give him a playful tug, forcing him against Beckett’s hard chest. Fuck, the move made him feel wanted and desired—it made him feel loved and whole. It didn’t matter where they were, the grocery store, the beach or even the quick run to The Home Depot Julian had made for the restaurant, Beckett’s arm would lock around him then he’d be shamelessly kissed for the world to see.

A familiar thrill shot up Julian’s spine at the audacity of such a bold move. Julian was a showman at heart and Beckett continually showed the world how he felt about him. Those sweet, soul-searing kisses made his toes curl and his naughty side leap to the forefront. They may have been the best kisses of his entire life.

Julian had demonstrated his appreciation while in the parking lot of the local hardware store. He had pushed Beckett back against the truck’s seat and instructed Beckett to lift the steering wheel while Julian tore open Beckett’s jeans. Julian had sucked the frantic, uncertain man off right there for anyone to see.

Beckett did finally give in to the moment, tangling his fingers in Julian’s hair and rolling his hips, shoving that hard cock further down Julian’s throat. In the end, Julian had teased Beckett until his sweet blush had come from his certainty that they had been seen, not from the extraordinary blow job he had given.

Whatever the cause, the heat had stained those bright cheeks for the entirety of their trip home. Julian had been struck with an overwhelming boost of confidence since then, both proud of his actions and of the man who had chosen to stay by his side.

It sure hadn’t been a hardship to have Beckett lingering nearby. Not by a longshot. His Marlboro Man was just so damn endearing. Beckett was a natural gentleman through and through. Maybe more so than any other man Julian had ever known.

Julian reached for the bottle of wine chilling in a bucket on top of his bathroom vanity as Beckett’s heavy palm circled around Julian’s waist. “I look silly.”

That chocolate stare boring a hole through Julian had him chuckling as he topped off his glass of wine. “I wouldn’t say silly…” Julian teased, turning between the sink and the chair he had pushed inside the bathroom to give Beckett a facial. “Okay, I’m not a liar. You look a tiny bit silly, but it doesn’t matter. You’re destroying your skin. No wonder we thought you were older than you are, Mr. Marlboro Man.”


