It’s Complicated – A Reservations Story Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123877 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 619(@200wpm)___ 496(@250wpm)___ 413(@300wpm)

Honestly, there was no doubt about it, Julian was a changed man. So much so that he’d teasingly kept Beckett on a thin line all day. It hadn’t taken him long to figure out that Beckett had been looking at new homes this morning. His sly guy had chosen the well-known landmark home that had been on the market for way too long. The one with the gorgeous dome that had given away his location immediately. The owners had put it up for sale with a crazy expensive price tag. But Julian hadn’t let on that he’d figured it all out. Instead, he toyed with Beckett, making him squirm and forcing him to ride the lie. It was hilarious for Julian because Beckett was shit at lying.

Once inside the nightclub, Julian finally answered Beckett’s last text message. His grin couldn’t have grown any bigger. Beckett had sent him four additional messages since the last time Julian had responded over two hours ago. In that last text message, he’d questioned the real reason Beckett had left him sleeping. He’d implied that perhaps Beckett had snuck off to go see a woman. It tickled Julian so much he laughed as he read all of Beckett’s responses.

“Julian. Of course, I didn’t leave you sleeping to slip out and see a woman. We had a busy weekend. You barely slept a wink. I didn’t want to put you out.”

One hour later: “Julian, don’t be mad. Answer me.”

Thirty minutes after that: “Our calendars are still linked. You aren’t in a meeting. Answer me.”

Then twenty minutes later, which was also seconds ago: “Okay. I met a realtor early this morning to look at a place more permanent for me. I didn’t want to freak you out or make it seem like I was pushing you or us in a direction. I believe it would be more cost efficient to buy a place rather than stay at Escape. My company’s contract has me there in training classes many times over the next year. It makes sense to buy. I’m sorry I lied.”

The three dots started drumming in the corner of the message, making Julian wait to see what more Beckett might have to confess. “Of course, you can stay at the new place whenever you want. I had you in mind everywhere I went this morning. It wouldn’t just be my place unless you didn’t want to be there with me, then no harm, no foul.”

Those three dots continued blinking. “I’m not suggesting we move in together unless you want to.”

What in the world? Beckett was working himself into a tizzy. Julian pushed the video option, calling Beckett in lieu of another text. His quick-draw guy answered on the first ring.

“Did you get my texts?” Beckett asked by way of a greeting. Julian lifted his phone’s screen to a better angle to stare into Beckett’s mesmerizing eyes. He swore he’d never met anyone who had shown such a depth of character in the reflection of their gaze.

“I did get them and stop stalker texting me.” As much as Julian wanted to keep teasing Beckett while he rode the edge of sanity, he couldn’t help his smile at so much concern and worry. “I figured out what you were doing about two seconds after we hung up this morning. I’ve been messing with you all day. I know you’re not a liar, so I had to see how long you would hold out.”

Beckett’s eyes narrowed, which caused another burst of laughter from Julian. “So that’s why you didn’t answer when I got to the airport.”

“That was a hard one—literally. I sacrificed getting off to give you hell. Don’t make me do that again,” Julian teased with a wink.

The tension instantly eased from Beckett’s expression. “You should be ashamed of yourself.” The happiness inside Julian couldn’t be contained. He had to look like a damn Cheshire cat with how much he’d been smiling all day. “I spent the whole day either texting you or waiting on a text. I was thinking about coming back to Coronado. You got in my head.”

“I’m sorry then. I knew you were keeping secrets. You’re pretty transparent,” Julian said and started down the long hall toward the club.

“And you aren’t transparent at all.” Beckett gave an exaggerated eye roll. The fatigue on Beckett’s face replaced his worry, making Julian feel a minimal amount of guilt…very minimal. “What are you wearing?”

“It’s disco night tonight. I’m at the club. You have to hear the music,” Julian said louder as he drew closer to the club’s main door.

“You look like a retro John Travolta. Where were you keeping that suit?” Beckett asked, letting go of a solid yawn.

“You’d be shocked at the costumes I have. I’ll be here for a while. I’m back to myself, thanks to you. We had a great weekend,” Julian said.


