Kestrel (Danger Bluff #3) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Danger Bluff Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 54968 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 275(@200wpm)___ 220(@250wpm)___ 183(@300wpm)

“I’m aware that your father is a personal friend of Kingsley, and he agreed to make sure you’re protected. That’s my job.” Kestrel leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees while leaning closer to her. He waited as she absorbed that first bomb of information.

She licked her lips, her spine stiffening further. “I didn’t know anyone knew.”

“They didn’t. Not until last night. That’s when I found out.”

“Do you think I’m in imminent danger?” Her eyes widened again.

He shook his head. “No. Nothing like that. There’s no evidence to suggest anyone has any idea where you are. Kingsley arranged for all your documents to be legally expedited so you can live and work indefinitely in New Zealand.” He reached out a hand and set it on top of hers in her lap. “You’re safe here.”

A knock at the door made him reluctantly release her to stand and go retrieve their breakfast. When he opened the door, he found one of the kitchen staff with a cart laden with options. “Thank you so much, Edmond. I’ll take it from here.” He wanted to excuse the young man, so Zara wouldn’t have to face him.

Kestrel pushed the cart to their side of the room before unloading everything onto the table. He glanced at Zara several times, letting her process what he’d said. She was pale now and looked distressed. He hated that.

Kestrel poured them both a cup of coffee, added cream and sugar to hers, and slid it toward her. “Take a drink, Little one.”

She glanced at the spread on the table as though she’d been unaware of its presence until this moment. She really was stressed about this situation. Was it because he knew? Because it was him? Or because she was stressed about being found in general?

Ignoring the coffee, she turned back to him. “You’re misinformed if you think I’m safe.”

He nodded. “I can understand why you’d feel that way, but I assure you there is no safer place on earth.”

She glanced around at random. “This is a tourist resort, Kestrel. Not a fortress.”

He grinned. “It’s every bit a fortress as well as a resort. There’s even a giant saferoom in the basement below where we’re sitting right now. Besides me, five other men are living and working here for Kingsley. All of us are former military, hired to protect the innocent. We all have different strengths. Together, we’re a force to be reckoned with. Security cameras are trained on every inch of this property, inside and out. Few places in the world are safer than where you’re sitting right now.”

Her mouth fell open again. “I didn’t know that.”

He smiled. “Now you do.”

“And you’re like my bodyguard or something?”

He shrugged, trying to remain nonchalant. “Now that I’ve met you, I’m hoping to become more to you than simply a bodyguard.”

She licked her lips. “You’re serious.”


“We just met.”

“We sure did, and I suspect you feel the same attraction I feel.” He lifted a brow, challenging her to deny the truth. She’d given him every sign she was affected by him, from trembling when he touched her, her pinkening cheeks, and her fidgeting at his intense scrutiny.

“It doesn’t matter what I feel or don’t feel,” she whispered, looking away. “My life is a disaster. I don’t have the time or energy for a man.”

He gently set his hand on top of where she had hers folded in her lap again and squeezed. “My job is to make you feel so safe that you’ll be able to sleep at night and enjoy life more. That will give you more energy and time.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand the level of stress I’m under. I sleep with one eye open and my clothes on, Kestrel. The reason why I prefer to work long hours is to keep my mind off my problems. I’m about forty-eight hours from snapping,” she admitted.

He knew it was huge for her to divulge so much to him. He hadn’t expected to fully take over her life this morning, but now that he knew more, it was the best option. “There’s a spare room in my apartment on the fifth floor. We’ll move you into it today. You can nap this afternoon without worrying and sleep all night, knowing you’re safe.” He squeezed her hands again. “I will not let anything happen to you, Little one.”

“Why do you call me that?”

He smiled. “Because you responded to it the first time. Because you know exactly what I mean when I call you Little one. I’d guess you have no experience exploring that side of yourself, but I’d also bet you’re intrigued and willing if the right person came along to give you the opportunity.”

“And you think that’s you,” she stated bluntly.

“Yes, I do.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re overbearing and Dominant to the point of controlling?”


