Kill for You – Warrior For Her Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

"I've got her," I murmur to him.

He blinks at me just like she did and then moves his hand so I can take her from him.

"What are you doing up so early, little bunny?" he asks once she's secure in my arms. His gravelly voice warms me. So does the way he smiles at me and Thea like we're the center of his world. He's always looked at me with such fierce devotion. The same reflects in his sepia eyes when he looks at our baby. He's such an incredible dad, exactly like I knew he would be. He's completely hands-on. I never have to ask him to do anything, he's just there, quietly helping out.

"I need to nurse her." I cradle her to my chest so I can climb into his lap when he sits upright. My favorite moments are these…where we're all cuddled up together as a family.

He wraps his arms around me, pressing his lips to my bare shoulder as I adjust my bra so she can nurse. She latches on like she's starving, even though I know Octavio gave her a bottle at three. Our girl likes to eat though, and she is quick to let us know when she's hungry.

"Did she sleep for long?" I ask.

"A couple hours," he says, yawning. "What time is it?"

"It's a little after six."

He grunts.

"What time do you have to be in court?"

"Not until nine."

Thea watches me intently as she nurses, one little fist bouncing against my chest as she does. She's becoming a lot more active lately, always moving and wiggling around. She's so curious about the world and everything around her. I love watching her grow and change every day.

I stroke my fingers through her thick hair, cooing at her.

She pulls back from my breast to grin at me, drooling milk all over the place.

"Messy little angel," I laugh, using the sash on my robe to wipe her drool.

She gurgles at me and then opens her mouth wide, silently demanding that I put her back on my breast so she can eat. Her little legs are getting chunky. It's so cute.

"You ready to give me another one, little bunny?" Octavio asks me, a smile in his voice as he watches me and Thea. He plants his lips against the side of my throat, nipping at my skin.

"Mm," I moan, melting against him as heat waves through me.

"I know you want another one," he says, kissing all over my neck.

He's not wrong about that. I think I wanted another one as soon as I had Thea. My pregnancy was a lot easier than I expected. I was prepared to deal with complications, especially after spending so long without proper nutrition. But aside from some morning sickness, I didn't have any problems. I loved being pregnant. Octavio says I was grumpy, but he was the grumpy one. He didn't want to share me with anyone and would growl at anyone who tried to touch my belly.

I don't shy away from being touched by people like I used to, but people getting too close still makes me anxious. I wish I didn't feel that way, but I can't help it. Octavio knows it and keeps everyone at a safe distance. He never judges me or tries to force me to get over my past. He understands. When I cry because I'm frustrated that I still feel that fear, he simply holds me and tells me that he loves me and that he will always be there to keep me safe.

I love him so much. I'd give this man anything. But I can't let him get me pregnant again. He already did that. I took a test yesterday to confirm. We're going to have another little one.

"You can't get me pregnant right now," I tell him.

"Why the hell not?" he growls, sending a shiver through me.

I love when he gets all growly and bossy. He cracks me up when he doesn't get his way. He does not like to be told no. He gets grumpy when he doesn't get what he wants. I don't know what that's so freaking endearing to me, but it is.

"Because it's not possible," I murmur, moving Thea from one breast to the other when she starts to fuss. I bite my lip to hide my smile. I can practically feel him thinking his way through that statement, trying to figure out what I mean. It doesn't take him long. The second he figures it out, I know.

His entire body goes still. He doesn't even take a breath.

"Angel, are you–?"

"Yes. You're going to be a daddy again, Octavio," I whisper, turning my head to look at him.

He stares at me for a long moment, his eyes blazing with emotion. "Jesus, little bunny. You're serious?"

"I took a test yesterday. I'm pregnant." I'm a little surprised he didn't figure it out before I did. Sometimes, being married to a detective is annoying. He's so damn good at his job. I can't ever keep anything from him or surprise him. He's one step ahead, never missing a thing.


