Kill for You – Warrior For Her Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 122242 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 611(@200wpm)___ 489(@250wpm)___ 407(@300wpm)

"The girl in question, the one I believe is her granddaughter," I explain, taking a shot in the dark, "lived with her father until he passed unexpectedly. She then went to her mother, who wasn't what we'd call a benevolent or kind woman. This young lady has spent the last few years living as the hostage of a Russian gang. We're not even sure if Mr. Jackson is her father, but if we can confirm it, we might be able to give her a little peace."

"I'm sorry, Detective. That sounds awful. Unfortunately, I don't know how to help you."

I sigh heavily, not particularly surprised, but disappointed nonetheless. I want to give Faith back a little piece of the father she lost. After everything, she deserves to know the man who loved her. Maybe it will ease the pain and heartache her bitch of a mother left behind. "Thank you anyway, Ms. Carlisle. If you do think of anything, please do let me know. Do you have my number?"

"Yes. It's on caller ID."

"Thank you for your time."

"Good luck," she says softly.

I disconnect, placing my desk phone back in its cradle and then skimming through the news articles on Jackson again. There's nothing useful in any of them. I reluctantly set them aside and glance at the time. It's already after noon. I still need to swing by the hospital to check on January, and then go get Faith.

The case against Kincaid is more or less done and over so long as ballistics confirms the weapon recovered from Kaleo's property was used in the murder of the Diablso. There's no way it was planted any time recently. It looked as if it had been there for years. If it matches, I'm prepared to close the case.

As for whether or not Kaleo actually killed them…well, falling for Faith isn't the only rule I'm breaking these days. Some shit is better left buried. The truth about who killed the Diablos is one of those things.

January is awake for the first time since Kaleo shot her. I decide not to stick around, knowing that Kincaid will want time with her. Hell, after everything, he deserves a little time. He hasn't left her side since she was shot. I don't blame him. If it were Faith…I don't think any power in Heaven or in Hell could drag me from her bedside.

It's barely three in the afternoon, but I head toward home anyway, eager to see Faith. Roman's truck is in his driveway when I pull up and park. He hops out and leans up against the side, waiting for me to make the trek across the yard to him.

"We need to talk," he says.

"If it's about January, I already know," I mutter, stepping over a hole in the grass. "As soon as I hear anything back from the Crime Lab on the gun, I'll let you know. It shouldn't be much longer, but I expect him to be cleared."

"It's not about that, but I appreciate the heads up."

I nod, glancing toward the house. Whatever he wants to say…I'm not sure I want to hear it. I've got enough on my plate right now. If Jackson is Faith's dad, I need to figure out how to confirm it before I mention it to her. I also need to finish weeding through the information she provided to find a way to free her from the threat Tarasova poses, find a way to give her freedom while keeping her with me, and I still have a stack of open homicide cases to clear.

"Finn heard a rumor today," Roman says, crossing his arms. "Tarasova is offering a half a million dollars for a female. He wants her brought in alive."

My entire body goes still.

"Faith," I say, more statement than actual question.

"Yeah, that's what we're thinking."

I don't move for a long moment, pure rage coursing through my veins. They're not getting her back. I don't care how much they offer or who they send, I'll take out every one of the motherfuckers if that's what it takes. She's mine now. Not a fucking thing on this earth will take her from me.

I exhale a breath and nod, letting Roman know I heard him.

"Whatever you need," he promises, holding my gaze. I think he knows how I feel about her. We haven't talked about it, but some shit doesn't require words. It's not like it's hard to see the way I look at her anyway.

I nod again, grateful as hell he's in my corner. "Does she know?"

"No. Do you want her to know?"

"The last thing I want is for her to know." I grimace at the thought. Talking about Tarasova already makes her restless. This isn't going to help ease her mind any. She isn't going to take it well. "But she's lacked control of her own life for long enough. I'll talk to her."


