Lancelot (The Theriot Family #3) Read Online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Theriot Family Series by Silvia Violet

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 78982 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 395(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

My cheeks still burned as I thought of what I’d confessed to him. I’d never told anyone about my fantasies. I hadn’t thought I would ever act them out, certainly not with a man like Lance. What was I doing? If I had any sense, I would’ve tried my best to run or taken him up on his offer of a safe house, but the way he was touching me made it hard to think and impossible to imagine him hurting me.

When he sat back, letting go of my wrists, I reached for him.

“Keep your hands above your head.”

I whimpered, the sound mortifying. “I need to touch you.”

“If you want to come tonight, you’ll do what I say.”

“Oh God.”

“Give into it, Julian. You want me like this. You want me to own you, to take you, to use you.”

“Yes.” I reached up, pressing my palms against the headboard.

Lance hung over me, braced on his hands and knees. I tensed, waiting. Finally, he lowered his head and swiped his tongue over one of my nipples. I jerked, the sensation more electric than I expected. He drew the tight bud into his mouth, sucking, biting down. It hurt, but it felt so good. I writhed, pressing harder against the headboard to force myself to keep my hands there.

He gave my other nipple the same treatment while flicking his tongue back and forth over the one he’d already tormented. I whined and whimpered, wanting him to stop and wanting him to never stop. How did he know just what to do to make me crazy? No one else ever had.

Not that I would have let them.

Why did I feel free with him? Because he wasn’t giving me a choice? Because he was so intense he didn’t seem real?

But if he wasn’t, how could he make me feel this much?

He let go of my nipples, then kissed and nibbled his way over my abdomen, coming close to my cock. I couldn’t hold still anymore. I lifted my hips, urging him to touch me, to taste me.

I needed this. I needed every sensation. I needed to revel in it. It was as if everything I’d denied myself for years, everything I’d kept bottled up was suddenly exploding out of me. How had he broken me like this?

He nipped at the thin skin over my hips and shoved my legs wider. “Hold them up.”

Oh my God, was he going to…

He licked the tender seam where my leg met my pelvis. When he sank his teeth into my inner thigh, I cried out. It hurt, but it also made my cock jump.

He sucked my balls into his mouth using his teeth just enough to send a jolt of fear through me while also keeping me hard as stone. How had he gotten so fucking skilled? He probably had so much experience, a hundred times more than me, but I didn’t care about that. All I cared about was what he was doing to me right then.

He cupped my balls in his hand, lifting them and exposing me even more fully as he ran his tongue along the stretched skin of my sack and over my taint. I tensed. No one had ever… “Lance. Please.”

He did it again, flicking his tongue over my hole. The sensation was incredible. I might come from it without even being touched, without anything else.

His eyes met mine. I couldn’t look away, even though I knew he was seeing too much.

“Don’t come. Not until I’m ready for you to.”

It was like he’d read my mind. “I’m not sure I can stop myself.”

“You can. You’re here to do what I want, to serve me.”


He pushed the tip of his tongue into my ass. I grabbed for a pillow, digging my fingers into it and pulling at the fabric, wondering if I’d rip it in two. I didn’t think I was that strong, but I also didn’t know if I could stand the pleasure Lance was giving me. He made me crazy. He made me into someone else, someone I hardly knew.

He tongue-fucked me as I squirmed, whimpered, whined, begged. I was gasping for breath by the time he stopped. “One day, I’m going to do that until you come from just my tongue in you. I won’t even stop then. I’ll keep going until you can’t possibly come another time. I’ll keep destroying you until you’re fully drained and you can’t move, not even a finger.

“Oh God, please.”

“Not tonight, though. Tonight I don’t have that much patience.”

“I didn’t think… I didn’t think you had any patience at all.”

He laughed. “I’ll find some. I need it when I have you like this.”

He was charming me, seducing me. I wasn’t sure why when I’d practically demanded he fuck me. I couldn’t believe I’d done that. I’d obviously lost my mind, but it felt so fucking good. “If you’re impatient, why don’t you let me come?”


