Leave Me Breathless Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 149
Estimated words: 138965 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 695(@200wpm)___ 556(@250wpm)___ 463(@300wpm)

I take her mouth softly and decide here and now that this morning is the best wake-up I’ve ever had. She’s on a mission again, and not for the first time I question my approach. Handle with care, that’s what I thought. Still do. I instinctively want to be gentle, though it’s fucking hard when she’s attacking me with such desperation and force. I don’t know what her secrets are, and until I do, I’ll stick to the plan. Build her trust. Earn her confidence. But now, just like last night, she’s swiftly losing control, getting carried away. It’s as if she’s been given something new and exciting, and she wants to make the most of it before it’s taken from her. My thought doesn’t only hurt. It angers me, and I feel my kiss hardening to follow Hannah’s lead. I hiss when I feel her short nails sink into my shoulders. I moan when I feel her teeth sink into my lip, and while it’s all fucking amazing, I hate the potential motives behind her eagerness.

I rip my lips away, panting, and turn my face when she goes for my mouth again. It doesn’t deter her from trying to pull me back. I remain where I am, and eventually losing her patience, she grabs my jaw and pulls me to where she wants me, holding me there as she tries to kiss me again. I withdraw, and Hannah frowns. ‘What’s wrong?’ she asks quietly, her worry clear.

‘I don’t know, what’s wrong?’ I throw it back at her, my simmering annoyance leading me. God damn, I’m condemning her lack of control and trying to analyse it, and here I am losing control, too. Should I analyse that? I laugh. You already have, Ryan. You’re smitten. You care. It’s old news. Move it along.

‘Nothing.’ Her voice is small, and I see with perfect clarity that she’s starting to shut down. Fucking hell. I’m pushing her away. I’m desperate for her to share her sorrows. I’m desperate to ease her pain. I look at this impassioned woman and imagine things that I thought were beyond my capability to imagine. Like sharing my life.

I wrestle myself back into line and place a soft kiss to her mouth. ‘You’re always in such a rush,’ I say around her lips. ‘There’s no need to be.’ The water is warm now, hot meeting the cold morning air, steam billowing up, shrouding us.

‘Sorry,’ she replies, and fuck me, I quickly feel like shit. I shouldn’t condemn her for being so eager and desperate. I should be chuffed. If only I could shake the notion that there’s more to her rush than simple hunger for me. Could it be that simple? ‘You’re irresistible,’ she confesses unapologetically.

‘I can live with that.’ I reach between us and take hold of my dick, guiding myself to her, and she tenses against me, bringing her forehead to mine. As I slip into her with ease, both of us cry out, my fist hitting the wood behind her. Fuck me, the feel of her around me is arresting. ‘I need a second,’ I admit, ready to shoot my load at any moment. My eyes cross behind my lids, my teeth gritting. I can feel her warmth pulsing against my shaft. It’s not fucking helping. ‘Don’t move.’

‘I’m not moving.’

‘Oh Jesus, Hannah.’ I flex my hips, sliding out a fraction. ‘You feel out of this world.’

She moans when I hit home on a grunt, my teeth locking onto her neck and biting gently.

I find my stride quickly, easing in and out of her on semi-controlled drives. I feel our wet bodies sliding and have to jack her up a little when she slips down my torso a bit. The result is an unplanned pound into her, and she yelps, her eyes flying open, her hands fisting my hair painfully, as if to return the favour. Her viciousness only spurs me on, and I lock stares with her, my face tight. I’m rapidly losing my control. She pulls my head forward and plunges her tongue deep, and I swallow down every sound of pleasure she makes as I’m claimed by a craving that’s way out of my control. The friction is debilitating, my nerve endings on fire.

I grab her thigh and squeeze, our tongues clashing. My body is burning up, my thrusts automatically gaining momentum. Fuck, is she with me? I open my eyes and find her staring at me, and I pull back to get a better view, seeing all too clearly that she is. Then I feel it, too. She stiffens against me, pulling in a deep breath, tightens her thighs, and her eyes glimmer madly. Fuck me. The sight alone pushes me over the edge, and I detonate, my whole body going into spasm as I’m torn in half by the power of my climax. I hear Hannah scream, the sound broken and jagged, but distorted through the rush of blood swirling in my head.


