Liars (Licking Thicket #2) Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Licking Thicket Series by Lucy Lennox

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 100070 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 500(@200wpm)___ 400(@250wpm)___ 334(@300wpm)

“Will you show me the coop?” he asked with a giant grin. “Ava told me that Brooks told her that Mal mentioned it’s something special.”

Marigold started to fuss when I pulled her out of the car seat. Saved by the baby. “Later, I guess. This one needs a change and a snack.”

But later came sooner than I expected when Parrish helped make quick work of changing and feeding Marigold.

After he finished wiping off her hands with a wet wipe, he pulled her out of the high chair. “Want to go see the chickens?” he cooed to her as he sat her on one hip. “Huh? Let’s go see Daddy’s girls.”

I opened my mouth to correct him, to tell him I wasn’t her dad, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it. She’d never had a dad in her entire short life. Beth’s pregnancy had been the result of a random hookup. If anyone was going to claim the title of this girl’s father, it was going to be me.

I swallowed around the lump in my throat and begrudgingly followed the two of them outside.

“The fence looks amazing,” Parrish said. “Better than that heavy orange gate.” He seemed to realize how that had sounded because he started stammering an apology. “Not that there’s anything wrong with orange, of course! It’s the color of safety. Of caution. Why… it’s the color of… of… Um, did you know that orange actually stimulates the appetite? We thought about using it in some of our branding at the Pit, but Brooks nixed it. I can’t remember why now…”

I wanted to kiss the concerned frown off his forehead and inhale the clean smell of his hair I’d noticed earlier when he’d leaned his head against my shoulder.

“Well,” I said teasingly, “if it stimulates the purchase of salvage parts, we’re in trouble. I didn’t take down the honk sign, though, because that’s too practical. Doesn’t look all that great. Maybe I can paint up a new one.”

I thought about adding it to Stewie’s chore chart that already seemed as long as Santa’s nice list. The caseworker’s visit was coming this week, and it felt like everything was miles away from being done. Maybe Parrish could help me watch Marigold while I did some painting to the outside of the house. Thankfully, the little clapboard home was so small, I could get to it all myself with a simple stepladder, but it would still take a pressure washing followed by a couple of coats in the bad spots. And I couldn’t even really start on that until I patched the problem areas.

Parrish stopped me with a hand on my arm. “Hey, hey. We don’t have to do this if it stresses you out. I just thought… I mean… you talk about the girls a lot, and I know they’re important to you. I wanted to share that with you.” He swallowed and looked away for a second. “You know, like a fiancé would do. In… in case they ask, like… what you’re into.”

I could tell he only added that last part to cover up for being interested in something I liked, and I had to admit to it making me feel ten feet tall and bulletproof.

“Thank you for wanting to share it with me, whatever the reason,” I said roughly. “It’s real nice of you, and you’re right. They are important to me.”

It hadn’t been easy to admit out loud. I was used to keeping personal info close to the vest, but with Parrish, I didn’t want to hold back. I didn’t want him to be doing this huge favor for me and getting jack squat in return.

I opened the gate and held it for him while we slipped through. As soon as it was closed behind us, I gestured to the left. “That’s the pen and the coop.”

My jaw was tight. Old habits meant I was bracing myself for judgment. It was embarrassing that someone like me went all out on something as silly as chickens.

“Oh. My. God.” Parrish said before clapping his hands to his mouth. His eyes widened, and he looked between me and the coop and back again. “Did you make this?”

He sounded hushed and reverent, and I could tell from his expression he wasn’t simply pretending to be impressed. My chest swelled.

“Yeah. I mean… I bought the plans online…” I ran my hand through my hair. “I made a few modifications, but it’s mostly from the plans.”

“Sweet Moses on a graham cracker, Diesel, this thing is amazing. This is…”

“Nicer than my house?” I asked with a nervous laugh. “It’s called the Pullet Palace even though I obviously have more than just pullets here.”

“Obviously,” he said faintly, wandering around the outside of the enclosure. The girls preened for him, strutting along the fence line clucking at him. Lloyd shot Parrish the evil eye and then glared at me for a beat before turning and wandering off. Meanwhile, Uncle thrust his chest out and began squawking to get everyone’s attention.


