Lost Girl Read online Sheridan Anne (Aston Creek High #2)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Aston Creek High Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73963 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 370(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

I grab my towel and wrap it tightly around my body before ducking into my room and pulling on a short tank and a pair of high waisted jeans. Today is forecast to be quite warm but seeing as though the sun has hardly had a chance to warm the earth, I grab a jacket and tie it around my waist.

Grabbing my art supplies and throwing my hair up into a messy bun, I walk out the door. The only thing that has even the slightest shot at helping to ease my mind is sitting out on the bench by the basketball court with my pencils and sketchpad. It’s one of the few places in this godforsaken town that holds a few good memories and if I plan on giving myself even the tiniest shot at having an alright day, then this is my only hope. Either this or begging Blake to hang out with me but that would only result in him asking questions and I’m not ready for that.

Making my way towards the front door, I stop by the kitchen and tear out a corner from the back page of my sketchpad and start writing out a note.


Don’t stress when you find my empty bed.

I had a shitty night and couldn’t sleep. I’ll tell you about it this afternoon, though maybe we should stop by the store and pick up some ice cream. I don’t think you’re going to like this story. Actually, this might be the third time you’ll demand a visit to the police station. Don’t worry though, I’m safe.

I’ve gone to the park to draw for a bit.

I’m not sure when I’ll be home, probably when I get hungry.

Love you,


I reposition my sketchpad under my arm and make my way to the front door, giving a smile to Blake who’s half-asleep on the couch with a throw rug that starts at his waist and stops at his shins. From the look of it, he was drinking again last night, though I guess it’s a bonus that he passed out on the couch and not the floor. I’m really going to have to teach this kid how to hold his liquor. You’d think from the size of him, he’d have no issue but it seems he’s a lightweight. On the plus side, he didn’t reveal any tragic secrets last night.

I walk out the door and find myself stopping. I never hesitate like this but here I am, looking up and down the street and making sure no rich mobsters are about to drag me into their SUV’s for an arranged marriage.

Realizing I’m overthinking things just as I have all night, I make my way toward the sidewalk when I glance back at my home, double-checking that I closed the door properly and that my bedroom window is locked. After all, if I was to come home to find my family hurt or Blake gone, I’d never forgive myself. Their safety is my number one priority.

As my eyes scan over my window, I can’t help but notice a body, sprawled out beneath it in the long grass. His light snores speak right to my soul and I find everything within me caving.

That idiot spent the night there.

I drop my sketchpad and pencils to the ground and make my way toward him. He couldn’t possibly be comfortable down there with only a thin patch of grass beneath his head. He should go home to his own bed, under his mother’s roof so she can finally breathe right.

I crouch down beside him, hating that he’s done this. What good is sleeping under my window? No wonder I kept thinking I could hear shit. It was probably him all freaking night.

I place my hand onto his thigh and gently shake him awake.

Slade’s eyes fly open and for a brief moment, he looks confused and a little unsure what the hell he’s doing waking up in someone’s yard. His eyes adjust and it doesn’t take long for the confusion to fade away.

His eyes scan over my face as he stretches and pushes himself up against the brick wall, not yet ready to get up. “Shit,” he grumbles, glancing away. “I was hoping to be long gone before you woke up.”

“I couldn’t sleep,” I explain.

“I know, I could hear you.”

I look down, not quite sure what to do here. Our relationship is completely up in the air and I have no idea what’s going on. One minute he’s telling me that he’s done and looking at me as though he’ll never trust me again and the next, he’s saving me from boogeymen and keeping watch under my window all night.

All sorts of emotions circle my heart but I try not to let them affect me. If I think too hard about this, all I’m going to do is cause myself more pain, pain that I simply can’t handle right now.


